Her voice was low as she spoke, and it was obvious from her words to Arkien that the situation which required his immediate attention was that of the two drakkon females.

Aurinda looked up at him, a small frown on her face. It was then that he noticed her eyes, which were usually a pale gray shade, had now turned an eerie red. It was not the first time that he had seen her use her ability, but it still awed him how similar she looked to her sister when she used her ability.

In fact, one could easily believe that Aurinda was Adley, when she was using her ability that is.

"The energy signature inside her body seemed to have been in so much chaos before, and seemed to be drowning her from the inside out."

"Wait, isn't Christana a fire type user?"

"She was. Not anymore."

Aurinda, when using her ability, was as curt as her older twin.

"Then, what about…"