Once he was out of the dining room, Edrey literally ran to his room. He felt the meager amount of food he had managed to swallow down rising up his throat. He arrived in his room in just a few seconds since he had run so fast.

The door to his toilet was pushed open harshly and it banged on the wall with a slight thud. He bowed his head over the toilet rim, vomiting out the contents of his stomach. Even after his stomach was completely empty, he found himself still vomiting out bile. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, before pouring down his cheeks.

"Hic." His tall figure lay on the floor of his bathroom once the episode was over. His body was curled up, and he had his legs in between his hands. His breath came out in thick pants, and he was unable to hear anything other than the ringing of his ears. His pale hair was plastered onto his face, and the stench of vomit filled the small room.