Broken promises and punishments

Shadow spoke the words with such power that Marie had no doubt he was being completely honest. He would make her regret her words. As for Shadow Cat, well he knew exactly what he was going to do and boy would he enjoy this to the maximum.

Marie's life flashed right before her eyes. She could already see it; she would soon be a goner. She had unleashed the beast hidden inside. Marie watched horrified as Shadow bent down to pick up the red box he had dropped out of anger, placed it on the nearby table, and pulled out a blade from the back left pocket of his jeans. She was not sure what he planned on doing but his words left her to believe that she was now taking her last breaths. She let out a tear as she realized this was not really what she wanted and was regretting her words and decision.

If only she had stayed, if only she had kept her promise, maybe things would be different. How could she have been so stupid? It was obvious he did not want to bring harm unto her before this. He showed her regret, care, and he even worried about her eating for the love of god. But now it was too late. She had fucked up. She had basically spat on his face after all he had done for her and it changed him. It changed him for the worst.

Marie watched as shadow slowly walked closer. He tossed the blade from one hand to the other as if he was playing with her nerves. Marie's heart pounded loudly, and her breath hitched. She wanted to cry and to beg him for forgiveness and mercy but she knew it would be useless. The words she had spat out with such hate had done more than hurt him, they had destroyed him. Even if she could take them back it was too late, the damage had been done.

Deep down under the hate that his eyes held Marie saw pain. The pain Shadow was good to mask like his identity, but Marie could see it. She had caused it after all. At that moment she realized that maybe all that Shadow Cat ever wanted was to feel and be loved. She had never thought about it before but now it was too late. She felt guilty, she knew she deserved what was coming to her, and she deserved it all.

"I" she tried to speak but Shadow was now on the bed pulling her legs and pushing her down so that her body lay straight on the bed. She was now lying completely on her back panting heavily. Shadow slowly moved his hand placing the blade close to her neck. Marie shut her eyes closed and took what she believed was her last breath drowning in otter despair. She waited for impact but the blade never touched her instead it was moved. Marie opened her eyes confused.

As she opened her eyes she saw Shadow holding the knife in top of her chest but as a sign of wanting to stab her. He looked at her body with lust as he bit his lip. Marie had never seen this look given to her before; she wasn't sure why he looked at her in that way. A second later realization hit her like a ton of bricks. "Tonight I'll make you mine" he didn't mean-? Marie shivered at the thought.

Marie felt perplexed. The thought of him making her his was confusing her. In one hand the thought of him inside her was utterly detestable. This was wrong! This was cynical. She couldn't lose it tonight. Not like this not right now. Her first time should be special, with someone who loves her and most definitely not while she is being forced. It should not be taken from her by a criminal. But in the other hand she the lust in her eyes made her feel wanted, and this excited her. No one ever looked at her that way, no one ever wanted her, but he did it was clear he wanted her to be his and only his.

"Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all" Marie thought trying to calm her nerves but "Are you crazy! You are about to be raped by a criminal. Fight him!" Marie was seriously confused she wanted to fight him, to get him off her but at the same time she didn't. She couldn't explain it, ever worse she didn't even understand it. Her emotions were all over the place. First she felt scare, then angry, followed by guilt, and lastly confused all in a matter of minutes. She held in her breath as Shadow used his blade to rip her shirt open.

This was it, Shadow Cat would really make her his. All meanwhile Marie held a mental battle inside. She loathed this man so then why? Why did a part of her wanted to allow this to happen? Did she really want to become his? Her heart pounded as his fingertips graced her chest as he removed the rag that was once her shirt. The part of skin he graced tickled from is touch and with that feeling Marie submitted.