A call for help and a tracked location

"Cat I don't think I can make it much longer" Marie breathed out. My heart broke at the sound of her words. I notice her breathing is uneven and she is struggling to speak. "Cole, Nath anyone I need that location now, Michael get everyone ready" I yell at them.

"Princess listen to me. Don't say that please I will find you I promise, I will get you out of there and we can get married just like we dreamed off okay princess? Tell me you want to marry me too please" I talk to her trying to get her to calm down and regulate her breathing.

"I wish but I-I can't handle the p-pain I'm sorry cat" she speaks again. No she can't think like that is like she is giving up. It's like she is saying goodbye. No this is not goodbye. " No my love please don't think that way. Don't give up you have to fight for yourself for our baby. I'll find you darling and we can escape together."

"What is taking so long Nathaniel find Marie" I command. "Princess" I call on to her but I hear nothing. "Princess?" I call onto her once again but still get nothing back so I begin to panic. "Marie baby please answer me!" I hear a loud gasp. "I am so t-tired kitty I just want to sleep" "No baby you can't sleep how about you talk to me answer my questions ok princess, listen to my voice." I hear a hum in agreement.

"Princess do you want to marry me?" "yes" I hear her say and my heart fills with joy. She loves me, she still loves me. "Baby how did you get your phone?" I ask trying to keep her up but genuinely wondering hoping she is not getting herself into more trouble. "K-Katy" she answered. Katy? Who or what is that?

"Princess who's Katy?" "Randy's g-girlfriend she saved me. Cat we have to help her" I hear my princess voice crack. Girlfriend? Randy has a girlfriend? She must be the one who pushed him off Marie during the video. "Don't worry we will help her too my love."

"Nath, Cole work faster damn it. I want to find her now!" I can't help but yell in frustration. All suddenly I hear Marie's breath hitch. "I have to go he is coming" I hear her panic "no princess don't hang up. Hide the phone do something but whatever you do don't hang up we are tracking it. I promise I am going to find you. I love you princess." I don't hear a reply, instead I hear a door slam open.

"What are you doing bitch!" Randy! That motherfucker. "Damn it Nath give me something." I yell "You caused this you whore, come on you are coming with me." "Noooo let me go, let me go!" I can hear Marie trying to scream but her voice is low. "You are the reason Katy wants to leave me so now I will make you mine" he better not. "No let me go you pig" the next thing I hear was slamming noises and Marie crying in pain. Damn it not please, she won't make it. "Nathaniel he is going to rape her find her now damn it."

I see both Cole and Nath moving back and forth between computers I know they are trying to find her. I tried to listen on the phone but I can no longer hear. I was sure Marie was dragged out of the room. Oh god please don't allow him to do this to her. Not her please. "We found her, sending you the coordinates now!" Nath speaks and I let out a sigh of relief. Yes that is what I'm talking about. "United Devils get your weapons it's time for war! They started this and now we will finish it once and for all. LET'S BRING THEM HELL!"

Most of the members were ready as Michael had followed my command and got to work the rest of us got ready in a matter of seconds. Each of us wearing out uniforms, our vests and getting as many weapons as we could. "Stay in teams, cover each other's backs, watch every angle, and use every skill. I want no soldiers down. Kill anyone in the way and find my princess and her friend Katy. But get one thing straight RANDY IS MINE!" I speak with hanger and disgust.

We run to get in our vehicles and get to the location as soon as possible. I'm going to kill Randy. I am going to tear his fucking head or his body and blow up his dick for even thinking or touching my princess. He will learn to never touch what is mine again. "Michael" I call onto my half brother "I need you to promise me something." "Anything" "If something happens to me try to lead our gang to a final victory." I hand him a replica or father's ring. I had it made right after as a sign of us leading the gang together. He nods at my request as he places the ring on his finger.

"One more thing" I say catching his attention once again. "If everything goes according to plan, I am leaving, I am taking Marie and my child and I am going as far away from this as I can. I want to have my family, I want to marry her and be happy. I love her and I just want us to be safe and away from this type of life. I know the rules that is why I am asking. Please let me go, take charge of the gang but let us go."

I plead. I know what I am asking for it's difficult since I am asking him to break the rules of the gangs. Rule number 2 no one leaves the gang alive. "I know what I am asking is-" "I promise, go on little bro, be happy" "Thank you" I hug him tightly. "Now lets go get your girl."