Randy's secret and the arrival of The United Devils

-Randy's POV-

Katy almost caught me. She can't know the truth it would break her and then I can lose her forever. I don't want to lose her. I promised to love her always and I still do but things changed. She begged me to stop hurting Marie and I agreed and allowed her to take her to the room but if I am being honest with myself, I didn't stop because she begged me, I stopped because I looked at Marie and saw her close to dying. I don't want her to die.

I got caught in the moment. I felt anger every time she defended Shadow Cat, she even spat in my face for him I know she doesn't know this yet but she hurt me she broke my heart. I hate every second she is loyal to him. I can't help but wonder why not me?

I hope Katy forgets about my little situation in the room. I know she is in the room attending to her wounds but I hate it when they are together. What if Marie tells her about everything we talked about? Katy would leave me in a second.

I might not be in love with her anymore but I still love her, she is like my best friend, I still have some feelings for her but I can't help but feel stronger for Marie. Either way I have to get her away from Marie right now.

I walk into the room "Katy! That's enough let's go! I call her. I see her nod and I begin to walk out of the room but then I see her go back and give Marie a hug. They are already getting close I have to stop this. Katy then turns and we walk out of the room and into ours. "What was that about?" I ask her referring to the hug.

"You have no right to ask me anything! Why don't you tell me what the hell is going on? This is not just revenge this is personal! So, tell me why? Why do you hate her so much?" Katy yells at me. Shit she is on to me what do I do? "Katy do not raise your voice at me! This is not personal I was just sending Shadow Cat a message." I reply hoping she bought it.

"A message? And what message was that, that you could rape his girlfriend? Tell me Randy do you hate her or is it something else?" I love Katy but he is right she is too smart for her own good.

I laugh trying to throw her off balance but she doesn't buy it. "Don't be dumb why would I want to rape her? I only give myself to you." "You are so full of shit! You know it's one thing to lie behind my back but another to do it to my face. I can see it in your eyes Randy. I can see hurt in your eyes every time she refuses to give him up, I see it every time you look at her."

"Drop it Katy, you are beginning to upset me" I tell her. I am truly getting angry at this point. From her words I already know she knows the truth so then why does she ask? It's like she like to toy with my feelings.

"Fuck you Randy, upset you? What about me? How do you think I feel? You want me to drop it then tell me the truth! You fell for her, didn't you?!" Katy yelled with tears in her eyes. I wanted to stop, I didn't want to make her cry, I didn't want to hurt her, and I most definitely don't want to lose her but I was upset and couldn't control my words and before I knew it I was confessing.

"Fine you want to know the truth? Yes, I did! I fell for her I'm in love with her and it hurts, every time she chooses him over me it hurts and I want her to hurt just as bad as I do!" I widened my eyes and gasped as I realized I had just confessed everything to her. I see her cover her mouth and begin to cry harder. "Wait Katy I-"

"When?" she interrupted. "What?" "For how long Randy? When did you realize you had feelings for her? Why didn't you tell me? I loved you I gave my life for you and this is how you repay me?"

"Katy, I didn't mean for it to happen. I never meant to fall for her. It was just a job, revenge. I wanted to kidnapped her just so that Shadow would come and I could finally get my revenge but AJ made me promise if I did this, I wouldn't hurt her so I did. I tried to find ways for her to trust me. We talked, spent time together, talked on the phone and I realized she was an amazing girl.

Before I knew it, I had fallen for her. It only a matter of days I was completely lost, I wanted to be closer to her, I never meant to hurt you, and I never meant to fall for her but I just did. Katy, I didn't tell you because I was scared to lose you. I still care and love you very much I can't explain it. I figured if I was lucky enough for her to choose me, I would be honest with you but everything happened so fast. I am so sorry; please listen to me we can work this out."

"Fuck you Randy! You don't love me if you did you wouldn't have fallen for her. What did you think you could have us both? You are a bastard and she will never love you! She loves Shadow Cat can't you see that. Oh wait you can see that, that's why you are beating her, that's why you wanted her dead because you will never be enough for her and now you will never me enough for me! We are over Randy and I am taking Marie with me. If anyone deserves to die is you!"

Her words were like poison in my bloodstream. They hurt like hell and it infuriated me. I was provoked to do what I never wanted to do to her again. I hit her. I couldn't help myself. I hit her over and over again until she fell on the floor. "You want to leave me fine bitch but she is staying here. As a matter of fact, you stay here too and think about what you have done!" with that I left her in the room crying and beaten half to death. Now to make Marie pay, she will become mine once and for all.

-Marie's POV-

"Let me go you pig" I tell him after his words. He wants to rape me Shadow please help me. He is going to rape me! "No, I will make you mine bitch!" He repeated as he pulled me up by my hair and slaps me. I tried pushing him but it only resulted in him kicking the back of my leg and making me fall in the ground.

I grunt in pain as I feel some of my wounds reopen. They were only fixed seconds ago and he already managed to messed them up worse. I can see myself bleeding everywhere. I see a trail of my blood right where he had dragged me from. Once again, my vision is fading. Kitty, please come fast.

Randy continues dragging me by my hair. I feel my scalp itch and ache as if he was tearing my head apart. After going through what looked like hallways of a business, we finally arrive to a room with a king size bed. Oh god he is actually going to do this to me. Shadow, please help me. Randy then proceeded to throw me I tried to push myself towards the headboard trying to get away from him but he smirks and watches me for a second.

My blood was staining the white sheets but he doesn't care. He just stood there watching me as he bit his bottom lip with such want. I could see it in his eyes he wanted me just like Shadow Cat wanted me that night but this time I only felt hate and disgust. I wished Shadow would arrive and kill him right now but I think my luck has run out. After about 30 seconds Randy grabs my legs and pulls me down quickly climbing in top of me.

He kisses my neck as if he is hungry and haven't eaten in days and I am his first meal. I tried to fight him but I had no strength left, he was just too strong. At that moment all I could think was *God please don't let him do this to me. *

"He left you alone, pregnant and broken. I was there for you when he wasn't, it was me who picked you up and supported you. I did whatever it took to bring your smile back, I tried to make you happy, not him. And all for what? After everything you still chose him. You broke me! And now I will make you both pay."

He then sucks and bites on my neck in attempt of leaving a mark and I was sure he succeeded as he pulled back and smiled proudly. "What do you think Shadow Cat will do when he sees that you are belong to me now?" I do not speak instead I tried pushing him again but fail miserably.

Randy smiles again and continues trying to kiss me. I move my head around avoiding kisses on my lips. I will never kiss him he is not Shadow! He becomes more intense. I can feel him get aggravated at the fact that I won't let him kiss me but soon he ignores it and continues kissing my neck and chest grabbing my breasts with it.

I tried fighting it again, I failed once again but keep trying I rather piss him off and let him kill me than allow him to do this to me. In an attempt to escape I lift my head up and bite him in the neck with all my strength. "You bitch!" he yells as he slaps me hard.

Randy then gets off me and reaches for a scarf and some ropes to tie me up. I tried fighting but once again he succeeded as he tied my hands to the bedpost and covered my mouth. "Try fighting it now bitch!" he growls. I see him pull his hair in frustration. "You know it didn't have to be this way. I wanted to be with you.

It started as me trying to get close to you to get to Shadow Cat but at some point, I began to really care about you. I fell for you. Marie, I love you but you chose him. The one who did you wrong, who played you, that's that one you rather be with. Katy found out the truth and tried to leave me. All because of you! You hurt me, you made me fall for you only to leave me behind and forgive him. Now I will make you mine one way or another."

My eyes widened at his confession. This made so much sense all this time it was personal. I hurt him, I broke his heart and he was taking his revenge for it. I hurt him emotionally so he hurt me physically. Omg If only he knew I never meant to hurt him. That I really wanted to give it a try but the heart wants what it wants. Now it's too late, now he will rape me. He will make me his and Shadow will never want me again. Randy kisses on top of the scarf where my lips should be and begins to unzip his pants.

"You don't know how long I was waiting for this" he says and my stomach turns. I want to throw up, I want to die. I cry as I realize that Shadow won't make it here on time. Randy pulls down his pants and lowers his underwear a little pulling out his penis. "Like it baby? Don't worry it's all yours." He says at this point I want to shout at him and break his ego by telling him he was much smaller than Shadow but I couldn't.

He begins to get closer. Marie panics as she can feel him almost touching her underwear but thankfully at that moments the lights turn off making Randy jump off her. Shadow!

-3rd Person POV-

Shadow Cat and the United devils arrived at the location where Marie's call came from. When they arrived the found themselves surrounded by nothing but trees. Anyone else would have been quick to give up but not Shadow Cat not anymore. He had made the mistake once he would not do it again. If experience had taught him something it would be Randy would be underground. In his comfort zone.

Shadow knew they were in the right spot when they saw some Kojin members walking around the forest as if they were security. They were eliminated quickly and quietly before the united devils proceeded.

Avoiding making any type of noise Shadow Cat hand signaled his gang to check around for a secret passage of some type. Looking for anything slightly different they gang began searching. Only a few minutes later Ray noticed a tree that held a branch a little lighter than the rest. Signaling Shadow Cat, he was given the sign to proceed. Luckily, he had been right. He pressed down the branch reviling a series of events.

Branches began to switch sports and the bark twisted revealing a door. Wasting no time Cole hooked a machine to the door and punched in a few letters and numbers somehow hacking the locking mechanism and unlocking the door. Behind the door was a staircase that led underground. Just as Shadow had expected. He knew they couldn't just walk down in fear of setting up another alarm so he signaled Matt and Nath to check and deactivate any type of alarm.

It didn't take them but a few seconds to find and deactivate the set alarms. Shadow then gave a signal the gang knew all too well. Shadow took the lead using his ninja like abilities to pass through the building undetected.

He went in search of the one thing that would always allow him to get the upper hand. Darkness. After a few minutes Shadow was able to find what he was looking for, the power box. Shadow knew this was it as he got ready to send his gang the signal.