Show Your Place Where You Belongs..

We both are walking where there voice coming for.. than we hear the footsteps someone is walking towards us..  and I am all ready for attack whoever it is.. but before something happens..

Nick push us to side of the wall that they don't know that we are there.. and that make me Angry.. I really do want snap him about it.. than he again shush me..

" We are only two.. and there are lots off.. we have to think before attack them.. I know you are Angry and ready for take charge.. but you do have to don't give them chance.. kill us before we kill them.. and plus we also don't want to know anyone about our firends or family that we are in trouble are we now.." and I hate to said it but yeah I do agree with him.. it's about family and Friends.. I don't want they know about our under attack.. and if they got hurt by this I will never forgive myself.. we do have to think before attack them.. I sights.. and nodded with my head..

" Okky good.. now you that we have to follow him.. one by one we can catch everyone and take them down.." he said.. i want to protest it..

" We don't have much time for this Nick.. " I said him.. and he don't have any idea that how much I am angry.. and mad at thinking that if something happen to someone..

" Don't Worry.. just follow my lead.. " and i did what he said..

We follow that guy.. who is searching something god's know what..

Me and Nick both are part away.. and than we both are grab him.. before he yelled.. Nick close his mouth with he hand.. and he did moan.. but we carry him on empty room. And than before he yelled.. I got night stand first thing I got in my mind. And throw at his head.. and blood come to he's head.. and I know I didn't kill him.. he just faith by this.. I did check his puls.. than me and Nick look at each other.. and nodded with our head...

We both pull him to bathroom and tie him there and close the all light and door lock it.. so he can't get out from here..

After that we both leave the room.. and than one by one we did all this think same.. and than Marcus and Lucas texted Nick that all is clear..

And I don't know how they did it and what they did it.. but one think I know that Nick told me to go to check to everyone that all are oky or not.. and I did what he told me..

I check our parents room.. and they all are sleeping space fully.. and looking at me.. I clam down..

Nothing happens to anyone..

I check basement.. all are sleeping.. my sis and Noah still are hugging each other.. and I do kiss both of them.. and check everyone that all are fine or not..

After when I about to meet Nick.. I heard sound that someone is following me.. and I know if it's Nick or Marcus or Lucas they did called me and stop me.. but this feel like unknown person who just I feel bad about him that he is not the any of my friend or family member..

I didn't stop or turn around.. and I know he will follow me.. and I did what he wanted.. I went to empty room and didn't lock the door.. first thing I do is.. I search something to attack him.. but I can't find anything.. and that same time he enter.. and we both are stood front of each other and look at each other.

He wear mask that I can't see his face.. and I got nervous and scared too.. my body was shaking like this is the end.. I little feel weak front of him.. and I never feel like this before..

I don't know what to do what to not.. my mind is gone blink.. and this is not good think.. we both stood and look at each other.. but no one try to attack or take frist move.. he did see how weak I am standing front of him.. and I know he laugh at me. That how can I act like this..

Suddenly his phone ring.. and he did check id.. and smile.. and than he look at me. And answer the call whoever call it is..

" Yes boss.." he said. And I do want to heard what they are looking.. and at the same time I do start to search something to attack him.. I do angry with myself that why can't I bring phone with me..

" Yes I find her.. but bad news is.. they already find our guys. But I try my best to get her.. and leave this place as possible I can do.." he said. And whoever he is talking why he talkin' about me.. why he is here for me.. what they want from me.. I thought they here for Ness and her brother.. why me..

" And boss like you said.. she is delicious.. " he said and smrike at me.. how dare is talk about me like that.. the way he is looking at me. I know this is not good news..

" She will be in your bed very soon boss.. now I have to take the angel before she make any move.. " he said and cut the call.. and I know he is here for me.. and he do everything to take me with him.. and I don't know what rubbish they talk.. but thet make my blood boil.. and I am not let them take me with him.. that first think I already set my mind..

And I will have to find out who wants me.. and for that I have to take him down before he do.. he silde he's phone in he's pocket and than walk toward me.. and I am ready to attack him..

The way he smile and smriking at me.. that make me more angry and mad at him.. and I feel like just kill him right now right here.. but I do want to know why he is here so I have to think before do something..

He come forword and before he do somthing.. I throw punch at him.. and he did back off.. and he literally fall to the ground but he take care himself very well.. and I did see that blood come out on he's lips.. he did touch he's lips and see the bloood. And than look at me angrily his smiley face smriking face long gone.. and I know that he also got mad about my sudden attack..

" So you want hard way.. here we go Princess.." he come and before I throw another punch.. he grab my hair and punch at my stomach.. and the pain.. the same pain I feel..

I yelled on pain.. damn it.. he is too strong.. I don't know I can survive this or not.. but before I think anything.. he punch me again.. and that hurt like bitch.. I already having burise there and he punch me there twice.. I feel like I give up.. but I don't want to..

I can't give up like this.. I literally fall in ground seating on my knee. Holding my stomach.. I can't breathe properly the way he punch me hard to there.. my mind is not working and I can't bear that pain.. he do band down and look at me like this.. and I cry.. tears come to my eyes.. and he look at me and laugh at me..

" You will be that easy I never thought that in two punch and you will be losen up that fast... Tsk tsk tsk tsk.. you are too weak.. the way you punch me I thought this fight going to me last long.. but you just disappointing me.. " he said. And he's words attack and make me hurt more.. I don't know what to say.. but he know how to torture people..

" You are wrong..." I finally spoke.. in whole time I just hear him and define me.. he did impressed hearing me..

" Ohh so you do talk.. I thought you are mute.." he said and joke.. my foot.. how dare he insults me..

" You think that it's too easy to take me down and leave with you.. huhh.." I poke him.. and I know that make him chage he's smile on his face.. and he look at me with angrily..

" I think you still didn't get it.. what I am capable for little one.. " he said dangerously.. and than he grab my hair and than I cried more.. yelled in pain.. I do want to Begg him to leave but I can't show him that how much in pain I am..

" You are nothing but a spoile brat.. and I know how to handle Bart's..." He said. And stood up in he's feet and also make me to stood up on my feet.. the pain still on there.. and I want to forget that it is hurting like bitch and do something before I lost my chance..

" Maybe you do handle brats like me.. but you forget that this brat not like who you handle before.. and first time your confidence will be down when I will put you in your place where you belong and than show you what brat like me do with you.. and trust me.. you will regret it that why you west so much time on me..." I said and than I hold he's hand whome he grab my hair roughly.. I give my 100% with force and my head touch his nose so hard.. and he literally losen up..

He back off.. and touch he's nose.. and see that blood coming out from there and I know it's broke. before he attack I didn't give him chace to do something.. I attack him.. I punch him.. and than I jump and throw my leg punch in he's face.. and he fall down on ground..

I jump on him.. and started to punch him head.. my stomach still Paining but I ignore the pain.. I try to forget that I have buries there and my whole concentration I take on him.. and I started to punch after punch..

And he did try to cover himself and define him.. but I didn't stop.. blood are coming to he's whole face..  he's  bloody cheecks and they way I broke he's nose and he's ditry lips full of blood.. that make me setisfy that he deserve it..

" Stop.. you fucking bitch.." he try to talk but I didn't stop him.. and than Nick and guys come and see that what is going on here..

They run to us.. and than see that what is going on.. Nick pull away from that bastrad and Lucas and Marcus both grab that man.. I don't want them to take him.. I want to kill him.. but Nick make me clam down..

" Shhhh...  All is under control.. clam down.. we can talk care of him.. don't Worry love.." he said. And i still feel like kill that bastard..

" No I will kill him... How dare is to make fun of me.. how dare is to enter our house.. leave me.. I want to show him..." I stay to losse but he don't want me too.. and than I sight.. but my anger is next level..  i just wanted him to leave me so I can charge again.. and kill that rascal..

" We need information.. for that we have to make him live.. you already done it.. now I don't want you to be a murder.. do we now.." he said to me.. and that time I am not think straight.. I just want to kill him no matter what..

" I don't care.. I just want to kill him.." i said to him.. and we both know how stubborn I am..

" Stop it hazal... I can't let go to murder him.. we can take care of this.." he said and hold me tightly and I yelled in pain.. my stomach.. fuck..

I losen up.. and than I grab my stomach.. and fall in to my knee in pain.. and he do scared looking at me like this.. he also bend down on he's knee.. and look at me.. that what just happend to me..

And I cited out loud.. that pain.. I can't bear it.. it's hurting it's hurting like bitch..

And than dont know what happend.. I fall in ground and my head meets the ground and I close my eyes.. and all I see is blank.. and I faith.. after that I can't remember what happened next...