He never Will change..

Next think.. when I open my eyes.. I don't know what happend to me.. I try to get up but I just can't.. I look at everywhere.. where was I..

And try to remember how i am endded up.. and started to recognise what happend..

we are having party and that same time We are in under attack.. and we took them down one by one.. and than my fight with that bitch.. and than Nick come and take things all perfectly.. but than I look at the room.. I am not that bedroom I uses to be.. I am in my own bedroom..

How the hell that possible.. how I am ended up here.. when we all are come back home..

I touch my stomach.. pain is still there but not that much.. how much time I am lying in here.. lots of question coming in my mind.. and I am getting none answer..

I find my phone.. where is my phone.. I have to know what happend after that night..

I grab my phone.. I see the day.. it's 27th of December.. two days.. whole two days I was like this.. how the hell that happens..

And did anyone know that what happened that night.. did our parents know.. did our friends find out about this.. no they can't..

I have to find out what happened in whole two days..

I did one think is call his number.. and I know he is the one who can tell me and if he don't than I know very well how to know things.. how to take all things out from his mouth..

I call him.. but the call straight on in voicemail.. what the hell.. where he is..

I try to get up.. but I can't.. my stomach pain make me again lay me down on bed.. I do cry I can't bear this pain.. and other side I do feel mad at him..

I don't have Lucas or Marcus number.. how can I contact them.. I wanted to know what happened.. and that same time my bedroom door open.. mom dad and Ari enter.. I try to hide my anger all pain and show them my sweet smile..

" Mom dad..." I said and try to getting up.. but dad come to me.. and again make me to sleep back..

" No princess don't move.. just sleep.. we don't want to be get yourself hurt again.." he said. And that did make confused that did they know.. lots of questions going on in my mind..

" What happened to me dad.. how we I mean i ended up here.." i ask him.. and he did smile at me.. nodded with head and told me..

" Nothing Nick told me that after party when you are going to your bedroom.. you in deep sleep and you don't even know where you going that same time you fall into stairs.. and that why you injured your head little bit..  and we all glad that same time Nick saw it and he took you to doctor.. and than its not good time to know you all this.. so we all take you home like this.. the medical doctors give you that make you sleep so you can rest and heal as fast you can.. and don't worry it's minor injury.. now you are fine.. we do all test and report's says that all are normal.. so there is nothing to worry about.. " dad explan everything to me.. now I know what story he made and told everyone  about my injury.. and I nodded with my head. And smile at them.. after that mom come to me.. and dad back off. And mom hug me tightly..

" My baby... How are you feeling.. once I know this.. I got scared.. but Nick is Brave.. he handle this situation very bravely.. and here you are all fine.. " she said to me.. and kiss my cheeck.. and I just nodeed with my head.. handle it my foot.. where the helll that bastard.. I want to know what happened.. and what he did with all of that guys.. did anyone know that we are in danger that day.. what if we are not there.. if something happens to anyone.. I can't just take this easily.. I wanted to know.. and I will.. but Big question is where is he.. I want to talk to him..

" Hyy baby girl.. how are you feeling.. " and i snap out at my thoughts.. and I see that Ari come to me.. and talkin'to me.. I smaile at her nodded with my head.

" Just Little pain.. but I am strong girl.. I will be fine don't worry.. this medicine really kill the pain.. " i told her. And laugh at my own words..

" Don't lie.. I know your hurt.. and can't bear the pain.. but it will be fine.. done worry.. and thanks to Nick if he didn't found you.. don't know what will happend to you.. I just.. " she said and her voice crack.. and next think I know she started to cried.. I hug her tightly.. Makin clam her down .

" You are my little baby girl.. I can't losse you.. we can't lose you.. please next time don't do such think..." She said.. and I give her promise that think which I never done it.. because of that jackass boy..

" Okky you rest.. we grab something for you to eat.. okky.. " she said. And I nodded with my head..

" Ohh and tonight everyone coming home to look for you.. to check you out..  they also worried about you so.." she said. I nodded again.. and i can't wait for him to come and I talk to him.. and get all answer of my all questions..

Whole day I just lay down on bed. just do is eat and rest.. I do check all messages from my friends.. they do worry about me.. and I give them reply told all of them that I am fine.. nothing serious to worry about me..

I do watch sometimes Netflix to kill the time.. I mean I can't even stand.. or. Walk.. I do want to go washroom that time I call Ari.. and she did help me to get in to toilet.. I never felt that weak in my whole life.. I hate myself that I can't do even little think in my own..

After that I didn't call them for help.. I stay like this whole time.. I do try Nick called but his number still gone to voicemail.. and that make me to Angry at him..

Where the hell is he.. didn't he know that when I will wake up I will Frist think do is ask him.. and I wanted to know everything what happened that night.. don't he knows this.. or he just doing it porposly.. I mean seriously.. now he is making me to hate him..

I mean I never think that he will avoid me like this.. or he is genuinely stuck at work. Or bussy.. but he do at least text me to tell me or even ask me that i am fine or not.. I know Ari or our family already told he's and Noah family that i already wake up.. and this news also get him.. than why he still didn't contact me..

What is this going on that I don't know..

When it's dinner time.. Ari and mom both are come and than they help me to take bath.. and I am happy that they didn't see my burise on my stomach.. or else.. they do will ask lots of questions..

They do help me to dress up.. and I am really thankful for that..

We will there off left my room.. and get downstairs.. I see everyone is already present there.. expact him.. my eyes are looking at him.. but he is not here.. where he is.. why he is not here..

He never ditch any of get together.. when it's about family.. he alway come.. why he is not present today.. and this think make me eat live.. and I can't show disappointed look to everyone.. I smile at them.. and one by one everyone come to me and hug me..

" How's you feeling right now.." keyden ask me. And I look at him.. and smile at him..

" I am fine.." I said to him.. and I know he don't even belive in my words..

" Fighting yourself and telling lie to front of me.. showing me that you big girl.. mmm.."he said to me.. and i know he is care about me.. but he is right.. I. Fighting to myself.. and try to not to show anyone to my pain..

" Do I have to prove you.. I am still capable to take you down.." I challange him.. when we both know that I can't.. he laugh at me.. and kiss my forehead and play with hair..

" I do want to but not now.. you need rest.. you still are healing.. " he said. And than Michelle come and than hug me.. and I do hug him back..

" My fav girl.. you look pale.." he said to me.. and i know I am .. but I hide and show it that I am still perfectly fine.. I hate it when anyone see me like this..

" Don't worry you will be fine.. and it's okky to be show us how you are feeling.. we are your family.. never try to hide your pain.. we can't see you like this.. " he said to me.. and I didn't know that tears already come out to my eyes. And I hug him again tightly.. I don't know how he always said things that he know that he is always right.. and we both know that.. I needed it right now..

" Shhhh.. don't worry.. you will be fine.. you are my strong girl.. you will be fine.. I know.. " he said to me.. and than Noah come to me.. and kiss my cheeck and hug me..

" You okky Lena... " He said to me.. and I nodded with my head. And he did rub my back claim me down..

" I am trying.. " i told him.. and I am trying.. I don't know they know or not.. but what is going on with me it's just I know.. and I can't even tell them this..

" You will be fine.. you just need rest.. it's happened.. no one know that something hapend like this to you.. I mean we all remember that you didn't even drink alcohol that night expact wine.. " he said to me.. and all are listening to our conversation..

" And I know she never get drunk by wine.. " dad said. And all are looking at me with curious.. and I am also show them black face.. before they suspect anything.. I have to change the topic..

" Nick.. where is he.. " I ask lacy.. and she look at me and smile at me..

" Actually we did tell him that you are wake up.. and also told him that we all are coming here.. he did said that he will be also come.. but than don't know we are trying to contacting him but his call gose aright to the voicemail.. " Michelle said.. and i have nothing to said but nodded with my head.

" New days you both are to close to each other.. like best firends forever.. ' Noah ask me suddenly.. and I snap at my thoughts and look at him..

" It's not like that Noah.. it's just that.. he save me.. and it's my duty to thank him to save me.. or don't know what happened if he didn't take me to doctor.." i tell him.. I don't know why suddenly I defined him.. bit i felt right to do that..

" Yeahh sure.." Noah said. And Rolle his eyes. What happens to him.. he never act like this..

" I am happy that you both are in now talking tearms.." Lucy said and I smile as him..

" He don't care if he do care he did come don't he.." Noah want to said more.. but he stop.. looking at me..

" He just doing it he's duty.. don't think that he ever be change lena.. we all know him.. don't forget that how he bully you.. and what he done with your sister.." he said.. he didn't even care that everyone is still here.. and hearing what he is saying..

" Noah.. shut up or I will make you.." keyden said angrily.. and I did see that they both are looking at each other angrily..

" It is right dad.. no matter what.. he will never change.. " he said and get up and leave us.. one last time looking at me.. and nodded with head.. and left the house.. and all are just listen no one know what to said. And how to react the way Noah acted..

" I ma sorry Michelle.. don't take seriously Noah words.. he sometimes lose his mind when it's about lena.. you know how they are close to each other.." keyden said and apologize to Michelle..

" Don't worry I am not upset or Angry to Noah.. everyone have there own reason.. and we can't change there mind or thinking.. " Michelle said.. and I did see Lucy didn't said whole time.. but I do know that she did feel hurt hearing this..

" Lucy don't take seriously what he said.. Nick is nice guy.. and I still see him my own son.. if he was not there that time I can't see my baby here seating with us.. and we are so thankful for that.." mom said and Lucy did nodded but I know that was nothing to make her clam..

I on other hand want to said.. to make her smile on her lips.. bit I just can't.. I don't know how to handle this situation.. but than dad change the topic.. and we all go to dinner room. And we all eat dinner together.. and forget what happend earlier..