: The Truth

 "I definitely know how grave the punishment is if I abduct the Crown Prince of another Kingdom. However, do you know how grave the punishment is if the Vrawyth Kingdom knows your treacherous plan?"

 Prince Reeve immediately becomes pale, and with a trembling voice, he asks Prince Fraser, "What do you mean, Prince Fraser? What treacherous? Are you accusing us of betrayal?"

 I raised my eyebrow at Prince Reeve. This guy definitely won't sell his allies. It's a good thing we already had the pill from the Illorian City. We won't need to threaten him or use aggression against him. All he needs to do is to lie, and the parasitic insect in his body will do the work.

 I heard Rufus laughs. "Oh, so you're denying it? Do you think we will be so dumb not to notice that you're allying with the Wrezatia Kingdom?"