: The effect of the pill

 I woke up with a headache. I didn't sleep much last night because of what happened. After Leander gave the antidote, I accompany them to bring Prince Reeve in his room again like nothing happens. 

 After all, those happened. I was up until three in the morning because I couldn't help thinking about what happened. We are definitely sure that the three Kingdoms are working together to go against the Vrawyth Kingdom, and all of a sudden, they are not? 

 Prince Reeve is definitely not lying because if he is, he would have vomit blood. The henchman before vomit blood when the parasitic insect starts to eat his inside. But it didn't happen to Prince Reeve, and it only means one thing. He is saying the truth.

 I sigh and get up from my bed. Another day. Another problem. I thought after last night we won't have any problem aside from the Strzalka's threat. But all this time, we're worrying over something that isn't a problem. Great! We just waste our time.