: The Infected Region (1)

 Mother holds my hand tightly, and she looks at me with her teary eyes. "My dear, you should be careful during your stay in the infected region. Immediately send us a letter the moment you arrive there. Also, don't' be stubborn and listen to your Brother Pascal, okay?"

 I smile at Mother and hug her. "I will, Mother. Don't worry, Mother, Father. I will make sure to come back with Brother Pascal safe and sound. So, please rest assured that I will not let anything happen to myself."

 Father, who has been silent for a long time, hugs Mother and me. "You should be careful there, Csille. We don't want anything to happen to you and your Brother Pascal. So, I hope you can keep your words."

 I nod my head and look at Father and Mother. 

 I'm sure nothing will happen to me because I have written what will happen. I just hope that thing that is trying to interfere with the storyline won't do anything.