: The Infected Region (2)

 I couldn't rest, so I just looked around the place and tried to see what I could do. Most people are busy doing something, and I don't want to interrupt their work, so I decided to figure things out on my own.

 There's nothing to worry about. Brother Pascal told me that this campsite is a few meters away from the infected area, it is where the infected patients are staying. It prevents the volunteers and doctors from being infected with the disease.

 I look at the ladies who are busy cooking dishes. It's probably for the meal for lunch. I also see ladies doing laundry. It's perhaps blankets and the clothes of the Doctors.

 Most Doctors doesn't have enough time to do their laundry because of their busy schedule, so the volunteers are the one who does their laundry.

 I look at the entrance of the campsite and frown when I see a carriage moving towards the campsite direction. The guards who are circling around the campsite immediately stop the carriage.