: Arguments (1)

 "Good morning, Dame Csille. I hope you had a good sleep." 

 I smile at the villager who greets me. "Good morning. I did have a good sleep. I hope you did too."

 The villager smiles widely at me when I answer her question. She then starts to tell me how she has a nightmare the whole night and how the tragedy keeps replaying on her mind. 

 I am about to say something to comfort her when I suddenly hear someone call my name. I look back and find Rufus standing at the entrance of the tent.

 I frown. What is this guy doing in here? I heard from Leander that Rufus was supposed to come here, but because he was busy with his monarch duties, the King didn't let him. So, how come he is here? 

 Rufus walks towards me. He then smiles at the villagers. "Good morning. I hope you wouldn't mind if I borrowed Dame Csille from all of you. I just need to talk to her about something important."