: Arguments (2)

 Days passed in a blink of an eye. All of us have been staying here for five days already, and throughout those days, all I can see is the little competition of Prince Fraser and Rufus to get Princess Paislee's attention.

 Everyone probably sees it as a simple argument, but I know it's more than that. And it seems Princess Paislee is also clueless about what is happening. Every time she tried to calm those two, she didn't know that it was making the matter worst between the two Princes.

 I look outside my tent and sigh. I can already hear the arguments of Prince Fraser and Rufus again. Even if I was the one who wrote this, I still feel tired of hearing their arguments every day. 

 "Here they go again. It's just the start of the day, and they are already starting their arguments? Can they give me a break? I still need to do my work. How can I work if the only thing I could hear is their arguments? Can—"