: Back to the Capital

    "Dame Csille, that is what I am talking about. Prince Joachim came here yesterday to visit you but because you are not here we told him he could return some other time. However, instead of leaving the Foundation, he ask one of his people to announce to the capital that he will be giving cash assistance to people who needs it the most. All they need to do is to go to our Foundation and he will be the one who gives the money to them."

    I frown and look at the long line of people. If I will give an approximate number, it will be almost a hundred people here. 

    As far as I know, Prince Joachim is the forgotten Prince of the Yesian Kingdom. How comes he have money for this? Where did he get his money from? And why is he doing all of this? What does he wants to do? 

    I pull Lilla to the side. "Lilla, how long have he been doing this? Also, why didn't you stop him from doing this?"