: Favor

    However I didn't expect things wouldn't work the way I want it.

    "Dame Csille, you do know that his majesty ask me to create a team of Doctors that will be deployed to the battlefield once the war started, right?"

    I nod my head confusedly. Of course I know all of those. I have written so why wouldn't I know it? 

    But there is one thing I don't understand. Why is he telling me all of this? I am not a Doctor so there is no way I can help me. So, why?

    "Yes, I am well aware about it. But why did you mentioned it, Doctor Leander?"

    He then walks towards my table. "Can you please do me a favor and ask your cousin, Doctor Pascal, if he wants to become a part of that team? I think he is more knowledgeable than me and having him in the team will definitely be a big help."