Xu LiangXing wakes up feeling disturbed by the continuous knocks on her door outside her room . She wakes up with a messy bun hair and cute pajamas walking straight to the door to open it .
" ..... Why is it you ? Did you know you just woke me up from my beautiful dream .. "
Liangxing looks at her eldest brother who scrutinized her from up to down as if to criticize her from waking up only at 10 AM .
" Little Xing , you are a girl , how can you only woke up at this hour , you are already 21 , don't act like a teenager who just had her puberty .. "
Xu WeiLiang looks at his youngest sister who yawned carelessly and didn't care a bit about what he said . He pinched her cheeks gently and told her to go to shower and get down for breakfast though it's a little late for that .
" Fine , fine , whatever you say , brother ... "
She closed the door leaving her brother infront of her door dumbfounded .
Xu LiangXing showers up and dress up with a pink dress and a hairband . Since she was a kid , she has always loved pink colour and never gotten any near with jeans or black and dark colours . She always surrounded with light colours which shows her purity and cheerfulness . She avoided wearing jeans when going out and always wears a sweet-looking dress with a matching cute hairband , this habit makes people around her gives her a nickname ' cute and innocent ' wherever she goes . Athough some founds it childlike to wear something cute like that but Liangxing didn't like the ideas of changing her styles . She's happy with the her now so it doesn't matter .
She went down to the kitchen looking at her aunt and her brother eating desserts at the dinner table obviously waiting for her to eat breakfast .
" Good morning aunt , good morning brother "
She said her greetings with a wide smile , sitting down beside her brother and pours herself strawberry milk in a glass specially for her .
Du MeiLi just laughed looking at her niece who's acted like she didn't do anything wrong and greets her as if it's an early morning .
" Little Xing , how many times I should tell you to not stay up late on your phone ? " She glared at her niece as if she was angry .
LiangXing munches on her jam bread happily and takes her time to answer the question .
" Aunt ..... don't say that like you don't know me , also remember when I was struggling with my university days , you said I could do anything as long as I finish them but now that I finally free from that days , I still had to wake up like a student . No ! No ! It was a big no ! "
WeiLiang knocked on her head enough to make her glared at her brother and he spoke .
" Then what about when you're going to work , you still want to daydreaming ? You should know aunt is kind enough to make you not search for jobs if it was me I would've freeze your cards to make you realize how important is career . "
" Arghhhh , stop being like that , brother !!! I'm only 21 ! 21 ! The epitome of having fun and fall in love with a handsome prince ! Not struggling like a dying fish for jobs ! "
She murmured again " not like you the oldie 28 !! "
She gets knocked again on the head by her brother but this time it was a bit hard that make her scream .
" BROTHER !!!!!! "
" Dare you to say that again . At least I have responsibilities . Stop having thoughts on love only . This is reality , LiangXing , don't assume all guys like a prince in your fairytale books . They are more worse than you can imagine . Just imagine you're Anna from Frozen and there was a prince who lied to her about love . That was exactly the guy who you'll met on the outside world but much more terrible . "
" .... But at least that prince has a nice voice and handsome , right .. ? " She meekly added her brother's words .
He sigh with her innocent thinking .
" That was not the point ! The point is be careful with whom you see . The inside doesn't reflect on the outside . A cold heart doesn't always meant a cold person and vice versa . Don't just blindly believe in someone who spews love words just because you found it romantic .... understand ?! "
She only nodded several times and said with a small voice .
" .... Fine , brother .. Why are you so serious .. I was just saying it but you said it as if I'm gonna seduce somebody in a next second . " She pouted her lips in aggrieve .
WeiLiang patted her head lovingly .
" I know ... but I'm too worried of you . You are so gullible and innocent . I'm afraid just any random people can kidnap you with a single love word . "
She laughed and hugged his brother sidely .
" Don't worry , brother . I have a high taste in men . Not any random person can kidnap me ! Also I won't be stupid enough to trust blindly men's words , trust ..... me .... Also my taste in my future husband is suppose to be handsome than you and I'm sure that not anybody can surpassed my brother's good-looking face .. "
WeiLiang hugged his sister and patted her head . " Tsk , such a bootlicking sister .. "
Du MeiLi just watched the siblings drama as if she was not there and laughed by herself . Anyway , this is not the first time she see them showing off their siblings love . She had raise them up since they were 10 so she knows how loving they both were . It might be unbelievable to other people to see this kind of siblings but only she knows how much they had suffer all these years that had make them depend on theirselves .
LiangXing happily laughed not knowing that someday she will vomit her own words and gonna regret for taking lightly of what his brother said . If only she took the words seriously ..