Bidding her aunt goodbye , she drives out with her cute pink sports car after her brother had gone out to work . She has promised her friends from high school to meet up for a reunion . Being the princess from Xu Family , it was inevitable to meet some people who only befriend her for the wealthy things she had . So , she only makes friends with the people who already has a rich background .

She is a friendly person but only shares her privacy with these friends and it is too hard for her to pay back to the people who insults her . Although she's not the type to make trouble , often people said she was arrogant because of her choice with friends . But she's comfortable with them especially she doesn't have to be seen as a rich girl amongst them .


She walks towards the entrance and gives her VVIP card to the girl who works there before she even speaks up . This club is a high-class club who only received people who has a powerful background . Thus , this club is well-known as a place of meeting amongst businessmen and has attract media and celebrities to sneek in for this reason . Luckily , this club served people well and definitely has a good security so even if they hide out outside the club , they can't never see the people who they wanted to see .

" Miss Xu , here is the room . I hope you enjoy our service . " The girl shows her the way and slightly bow to her . LiangXing just nodded her head and smiled soon open the door with a rang of laughter coming inside .

" LiangXing ! Come here ! It's been such a long time , I missed youuu !!! "

A girl with a branded high-heels and seductive dress with legging come running to her . She wears a heavy makeup but still look pretty especially when she smiles . That was Xie ZhiLing , the only princess from the Xie family . Xie Family is consider as a start-up in wealthiness . They built a perfume company and succeeded in making it as one of the popular brand in the world . ZhiLing is an affectionate person who easily hugged people and kissed them on cheeks especially with her close friends .

" Uhhh , yeah yeah , I know so can you stop squeeze me out , you act like I'm your boyfriend .. "

LiangXing complaint playfully towards her best friend .

ZhiLing lets her go with a scoff .

" Tsk , don't act like you don't like it , it's not like this is the first time I hugged you .. Anyway , LiangXing !!! How come it's so hard to ask you out ?! "

LiangXing just laughed and said .

" Well , you see , you know how protective my brother is , so just be grateful that I'm here already . "

" Wow ... So Brother WeiLiang still protective as ever to you .. Doesn't he realize how old are you now ? "

An elegant voice rang out with complaint towards her brother . She saw a girl seated there wearing an elegant blouse and skirt that came down her ankle . She only wears a light makeup with a blonde long hair making her face looks much more beautiful than ever .

That was Yi PingAn , her childhood friend who's 2 years older than her . Yi Family has become friends with Xu family over generations so it was natural for them to become friends as well . Yi Family is based on politics so it was shocking for PingAn to suddenly dives in entertainment as a singer .

" AnAn , it's been such a long time , these days I only get to see you on television and gossip rank .. "

" Same goes to you , Little Xing . Ignore those gossips , it was just an entertainment for my haters .. "

" Yow , you guys , don't forget I'm here , hey LiangLiang ! you're still the same as ever ! "

That loud greeting comes from Qu ErNing , unlike her sweet name , she has a boyish character and often misunderstood as a boy because of her behaviour . She likes to dressed up in black with a cap with her signature short hair . She definitely loathe makeups and dressing up like them . This was all because Qu Family filled with boys and ErNing was the only one girl so she's been surrounded with boys too much that she hated being a girly girl . Qu Family was a top family that controlled the entertainment world but ErNing instead becoming a taekwondo instructor because of her passion in fighting .

" NingNing , I missed you too also can you stop calling me LiangLiang , it's sound weird you know .. " LiangXing said ..

ErNing only stuck out her tongue to LiangXing like a kid .

" Bahh , I don't care , you still call me with that girly NingNing , so I'll call you LiangLiang .. "

LiangXing only shakes her head and sit down with them .

" Anyway , ZhiLing , what's wrong with your dress and makeup ? It makes you look like a seductress . I would have believe you if you were gonna seduce one of us here . "

" Eww , don't say that LiangXing ! You know my parents likes to send me to a blind date so I just wanted to scare my partner this time . I'm bored with them acting like they don't care about my background so I act like I'm gonna eat up my partner earlier . He left with a disgusted look on his face . It's so satisfying and funny !! "

" Doesn't your family reprimand you with this behaviour ? " PingAn spoke up

" Nahh , you know my grandparents will back me up if my parents did something so it doesn't matter . "

" If you're my family , I would've kicked you with my taekwondo skills . " ErNing spoke up while licking the icecream she eats .

" What the hell ?! Who wants to be family with a violent person like you ! I still heard you just fight with anybody you like , ErNing ! "

" Tsk , so what ?! They're the one who messed with me first ! "

ZhiLing and ErNing bicker back and forth acting like LiangXing and PingAn were not there . Anyway , they have always been like that since school days . They can only shakes their head looking at their friends childlike behaviour .