While they are happily chatting , the sound of ringtone comes from LiangXing's phone . She takes it and sees her brother's name .

" Wait up , girls . It's my brother .. "

She stand up and go outside at the secluded area to answer the phone .

" Hello brother .. "

" Little Xing , aunt told me you go out earlier . Where are you .. ? "

" I'm at XX Club with my closest friends . Don't worry , I'll be back later . "

" It's already 6 , I'll pick you up at 7 . "

" .. What .. ?! No ! It's fine ! I drove here .. Brother , don't be such a worrywart , I swear the talks this morning just a joke . I didn't go out for love . "

" I know ... but it's late and it's dangerous for you to drive at night . I'll pick you up later and told the driver to pick up your car , okay ? It's a final decision and don't say no now . "

" ... Fine ... Anything you say , brother .. Just don't confiscate my car after this . I had the right to go out by myself .. "

" I know . I won't . See you later ... "

LiangXing hangs up the phone walking back towards her room . She sigh and reluctantly say goodbye to her friends .

" ZhiLing , AnAn , NingNing , I'm sorry but I need to go , my brother's coming here to pick me up . Let's reschedule our meet okay ? Just message me later .. "

" What ... ?! It's so early , LiangXing ! Hmmm , I didn't even hugged you enough to not miss you again and I even wanted to go somewhere later with you girls . "

Zhiling hugged her again while pinched her cheeks several times .

" Ughh , stop being such a clingy girlfriend , people would think that I'm not a straight girl now .. "

LiangXing pushed her while laughing when she saw ZhiLing pouted hearing her words .

" Little Xing , just send my regards to Brother WeiLiang . It's been such a long time .. "

LiangXing smiled and said she will told that to her brother . Unlike ZhiLing who's clingy , ErNing just said goodbye to her while telling her to promise to keep in touch . With that , she runs to the entrance to wait for her brother . While running , she was bumped into someone that makes her fall behind . Luckily , it was not a hard fall and it was her fault that she was running , she struggle picked up her things which falls off from her handbag when a hand followed her sight helping her . She stand up again with the help of the owner and said her apologize .

" I'm so sorry .... I was in a hurry that I don't see people infront of me .. I'm really sorry .. "

She lets down her head too afraid to see the person infront of her in case she got scolded .

" Hey , don't you want to see the person you apologize to .. "

She hears a man's voice rang out infront of her . Unlike her imagination , his voice doesn't seem like he's angry at her . She peeks slightly at the man who's taller than her and realize how handsome he looks !

He wears a white suit with a black shirt inside it with a common shining black shoes . His face is like the college type of boy , handsomely sweet-looking while smiling at her . He keeps his bang sticking onto his forehead makes him look younger than ever . Wow ... she can't believe there was this type of prince in real world .

He spoke again while she's looking at him .

" It's fine , it's my fault too to make a beautiful girl like you fall and suffers from the pain . I'm truly sorry for that . "

He suddenly takes her hand while apologizing and kissed it lightly . It was the first time for LiangXing to meet this kind of man that make her doesn't know what to say . She forgot about her brother's advice and smiled at him foolishly ..

" Uhhhh , I ... I'm ... ummm .. it's not your fault too .. mister ... thank you for calling me beautiful . You are handsome too with such a gentle traits .. "

She innocently spokes her mind to the person who she only met just now .

The man laughed with her words still holding her hand .

" Don't call me mister , that sounds distant . My name is Qin YuHai . You can call me YuHai or ... maybe Brother YuHai .. ? "

She seems to has heard that name but doesn't remember where so she just introduce herself back .

" Okay , Brother YuHai .. I'm only calling you this because I'm certain you're older than me ... I'm Xu LiangXing . "

He takes note of the name while smiling at her . " So what are you doing here .. ? "

" I'm waiting for my brother ! He said he wants to pick me up .. "

His face looks like he was disappointed with the word .

" Really .. ? I just wanted to invite you to go dinner with me as my apology . Can't you ... just said no to your brother .. "

LiangXing think for a bit and still said no .

" No , I can't .. My brother will get angry .. Also it's not your fault so you don't have to treat me to dinner . "

" No , no . I can't do that to a sweet girl like you . Hmm , how about this , how about you left me with your number and we can reschedule our dinner back ? Hmm ? "

But we obviously just met for the first time . Well , I think this Qin YuHai looks nice , he is also gentle , he's not bad ..

" Okay , Brother YuHai .. "

She dialed her number in YuHai's phone making sure that YuHai see her picking up so that he believes that was her number .

" Thank you , then can I call you LiangXing ? "

" Of course , Brother YuHai ! Since I called you brother , it's awkward if you call me formally . "

" That's good then . Then , let's meet for another time . I have to go to my meeting now . " He said while sweetly smiling at her only letting go her hand after she waved him goodbye .

LiangXing walking happily towards the entrance while thinking it was her good luck to met with a new friend who's so gentle like a prince . Meanwhile , Qin YuHai looking intently at his phone contain LiangXing number with a smirk on his face .