Chapter 4 : Forget I exist.

Kofi truly enjoyed her time with the woman even though she was telling her stories about her grandson. " Old lady I have to go now, my uncle will begin to worry if he doesn't see me ".

She pouted slightly, holding Kofi's tanned hand " It's a shame. You're so sweet, I wish I could introduce you to my grandson ". Kofi just nodded mildly, " I'd be happy to meet him old lady ".

The woman waved it off, " Don't call me that, makes me feel even older. Call me Adele ". Kofi repeated the name, forcing herself to remember it " Alright Adele, it's been a pleasure talking to you and thank you for teaching me your ways ".

Adele waved it off, " That's alright. Could you help me with something "? Kofi nodded, " Anything you want ". Adele pointed at the cabinet beside her bed, " The last drawer, there's something in there ".

Kofi did as she was asked and brought out a small package. Kofi turned it over curiously and Adele laughed, " If you like it so much, keep it ". Kofi quickly hid the thing behind her back before the woman could change her mind.

Kofi waved her good bye, " It was an honour to meet you Adele. I hope you get better soon ". Adele giggled to herself when Kofi left, " Darn it, I forgot to ask for her name " [ How do I play matchmaker now? ]


Henry was waiting for her where she left him, wordlessly she collected the bag full of clothes and turned in the direction of the bathroom, " Uncle Henry, I'd advise you to stay put before I return ".

Henry wasn't sure why but he found himself complying with her instructions. Since he didn't see her uncle, he assumed he'd already left. Kofi strolled back out in black trousers and a wine round neck, " Alright Uncle Henry, let's go ".

Henry nodded, still surprised by the change in her aura which was usually gentle to something almost suffocating but she looked so relaxed, even as she entered the car " Uncle, is there anyone waiting for you at home "?

Henry shook his head, " All the servants have left ". Kofi nodded, " Uncle, I've done something terrible ". Henry frowned, " Don't worry Kofi. I swore to your father to do my best protecting you ".

Kofi snickered, " Uncle, you will know what I have done in due time but till then I want you to enjoy yourself. And don't contact me again ". Henry was obviously surprised but Kofi went on with a smile, " It's all in your best interest so you have to trust me ".

Henry actually found himself trusting her and agreed. As he got off the car, Kofi looked at him seriously, " And when the police come, don't lie to them. I don't need you complicating my matters ".

The car continued it's journey. Kofi frowned as she looked at her face in the mirror, " Is there a way to change my hair around here "? The driver nodded and took her to a hair saloon.

Kofi was curious about the many contraption scattered around the place when a peppy hairstylists appeared in front of her, " Good Morning young lady, how can I help you today "?

Kofi held out a few strands of hair out to the woman, " I wish to change the color of my hair, will that be possible "? The woman nodded, still smiling " Of course, anything you want ".

Kofi smiled, filled with relief " Can it be permanent "? Again she nodded, " Absolutely, you just have to pick the color ". Kofi nodded and was led to a display table filled with different colored dye samples.

Kofi shrugged, " I want the bloodiest red you have " [ I miss my hair ] Kofi had fiery red hair in her past life and she loved it. Her master would joke around and say that it stood out so much, as if warning people of the danger of the person with the hair.

Kofi watched the reflection carefully, memorizing all the techniques they'd used in making her hair. Who knows? This place and people may not exists again. It took two hours but Kofi liked the result.

Her back length hair looked soft and shiny and seemed to be wavy now. She had only one complaint, the tip of her hair still looked black " Why is it still black "? The hairstylist sighed, " This might be hard to believe mam but the black color of your hair refused to be fully dyed ".

Kofi didn't find that strange, but her very existence in this world was beyond strange. " It's alright. Thank you . Are there things I should put on my hair to make it better "?

From her new memories, the other Kofi usually put things in her hair before or after taking a bath and if she could maintain the color and shininess, she would do her best.

The attendant seemed surprised when she brought out a black card. Kofi hadn't learned everything yet but knew she could use this to pay for things, " Is the money not enough to pay for your services "?

The attendant snapped out of her daze, [ It's more than enough ] " It is, sorry for the delay ". Kofi had no idea what transpired but what was given back the card. She flipped the shiny piece of plastic in her hand, dazzled [ I can pay for whatever I want with a piece of plastic, amazing! ]

Kofi smirked, making the woman's heart skip a beat " Could you please help me find a boutique of some sort? I have a few more things to buy ".