Chapter 3 : Teach me your ways.

Kofi frowned as she hit the board, " What the heck are you doing Whiskers "? She shook the board and it started making sounds before morphing into a floating fox with gray and black fur.

" Leeet goooo Kofiiii ", Kofi smirked as she let it go " I was beginning to wonder how I landed here ". The fox nodded its head, the dizziness gone, " You just got here and yet claimed four lives ".

Kofi scratched her head guiltily, " This time it wasn't my fault ". Whiskers narrowed his glowing black eyes at her, " You destroy an entire city along with almost twenty million people and yet it's not your fault ".

Kofi nodded seriously, " Absolutely, you're finally beginning to get me and all it took was blowing up the capital ". Whiskers sighed as he surveyed the bodies, " You couldn't be cleaner. Are you trying to get another bounty on your head "?

She rubbed her chin lightly, smiling " Not to brag or anything but I'd be worth a lot of money. Besides, where are we "? Whiskers sighed, " We're in Lupart ". Kofi tilted her head to the side, " Never heard of it ". Whiskers rolled his eyes, " I'm not surprised captain obvious ". Kofi sighed, " What do we do now "? Whiskers looked at the bodies on the floor, " Disappear or spend the rest of your life in jail ".

Kofi frowned [ What's a jail? ] " I don't like the sound of that ". Whiskers nodded in agreement, " Yeah, me neither ". Kofi frowned, " What is it "? Whiskers shrugged, " Can you just shut up? I'm trying to download all data on this country ".

Kofi smirked playfully, " Look at you being all serious and adorable. Makes me want to cuddle you ". Whiskers was unable to escape Kofi as she held him close to her chest and looked over the documents.

" How do I get to Greensville "? Whiskers frowned, " Are you planning another massacre "? Kofi shrugged, " I doubt it but if need arise, I will ". Whiskers prayed there wouldn't be another massacre and was soon done downloading all information pertaining to the country.

" What of the butler "? Kofi rubbed her chin, " He might be useful to me so I won't kill him...if he behaves ". Whiskers shuddered slightly, " Can we go before the police get here "?

Kofi tilted her head to the side, " What is police "? Whiskers frowned, " You can talk and walk Kofi, start moving ". Kofi nodded and walked out of the room, still in her blood stained hospital gown.

" Uncle Henry, I need a change of clothes and transportation ". When Henry saw her, he was instantly worried. He'd heard noises coming from the room and the door was locked.

" Did your uncle do this to you? Are you hurt "? Kofi shook her head lightly, " I will wait for you here, go get what I asked ". Henry nodded and quickly left and stopped halfway, surprised he'd actually listened [ Young Mistress has really changed ]

Kofi sat in the hallway and looked around. From her memories, it seemed she was in the private word of this hospital so the halls were mostly empty. With nothing else to look at and curious about her new surroundings she strolled through, looking into the rooms.

When she got near the end of the hallway, the old woman lying in bed caught her attention. The woman seemed to be in her late sixties with light brown hair and black eyes. Kofi put her face to the door trying to get a closer look and startled the woman. The woman laughed and signalled for her to come in. Kofi did so and came in, walking closer to her bed.

The woman smiled at her, " Good morning dear, what are you doing wondering about? You should be lying down ". Kofi said nothing as she looked around. The woman gasped, pointing at the bloodstains on her gown. " What happened my dear "? Kofi scratched her chin lightly, " Nothing serious, I just really hate shots ". The woman laughed and Kofi was relieved it worked, " Honestly, I hate them too. What brings you so far out young lady "?

Kofi pointed her finger at her, expression serious " It's you lady. I've never seen someone so old ". The woman frowned [ She came so far to rub her youth in my face? ] but Kofi continued before she could be scolded, " It's amazing. How did you survive for so long "?

The woman was surprised but found herself enjoying her conversation with the young woman, " It hasn't been easy ". Kofi looked to her with admiration, " I couldn't agree more. Teach me your ways so I can grow old too ".

Kofi wasn't joking. She'd never seen anyone so old in Delvara. The expected life span of a Delvaraian was forty five and that was minus the probability of getting killed one way or another before then.

Kofi wanted to live long which is ironic, considering how she ended her life in an explosion and took Bekadlar - the capital - down with her. The woman laughed, " You're such a sweet child, I just got lucky. You should also exercise and eats lots of fruit".

Kofi memorized the two instructions, " But why must I eat fruit "? Fruits were organic which made them scarce which made them expensive in Delvara [ She's rich, no wonder she lives so long ]

" But don't take too much. Too much sugar is bad for you and can make you sick ". Kofi nodded, taking a mental note of what she said. The lady pinched Kofi's cheek lightly, " You know what they say; An apple a day keeps the doctor away ".