Chapter 40 : The Fosmioa auction house.

With exemption to the girl who jumped out of the ferris wheel, they'd managed to round everyone else up. It was a lot easier with the lights out, most of them stumbled over themselves when running and made capturing them a lot easier.

But the girl that got away kinda bothered him. He couldn't see her face or hair clearly so a face search wouldn't work. There were also no security cameras in the night market so it'd be close to impossible to find her.

Though she yelled something when she jumped off, he couldn't hear it clearly so he wouldn't even be able to recognize her voice if she was standing in front of him. He shook his head and sighed, " I should just forget about it " [ I know I can't do that ]

He picked his call and Adele yelled in his ear, " Aren't you coming back? Did you ditch me "? Lloyd rubbed the bridge of his nose, trying to speak gently " Can you just give me a little bit more time? I'll be over soon ".

Adele scoffed " You better " and ended the call. He shook his head, still massaging the bridge of his nose " Woman are so tiring ".


Domino had briefed Kofi on what an auction house was and she believed it to be a place where people bought things they thought were valuable at exorbitant prices, " I don't think there's anything I can sell though ".

[ Negative master, you can sell one of the Tapi drive max 26 you bought the other day ] Kofi tilted her head to the side, " So soon? I was planning on selling it when it got banned to make a lot of money ".

[ Yes master, The Tapi company makes limited edition devices that always sell out in less than forty eight hours. Though the reasons for the sudden disappearance of this model are unknown to me, I assure you that it is no longer readily available ]

Kofi shrugged, " Whatever you say, are the others okay though "? [ Affirmative, they are in the space mansion. They are currently able to see what you see with a sort of television I have made ] Kofi giggled softly [ What's a mansion? How is it in my head though? ] " Now I really need to read your manual ".


She walked up to the counter and used her sweetest and highest voice to speak. There were many ways to disguise yourself in Delvara, a change in tone or accent could even save one's life and it saved hers more than once.

The man seemed to turn red slightly as he spoke with a smile [ Such a cute loli ] " How can I help you "? Kofi tilted her head to the side, " I was wondering if I could sell something ".

The man smiled and Kofi felt disgusted [ Such a pervert ] " Then I'll show you to the master appraiser ". Kofi nodded and followed behind him [ I wonder how much money I can make off it? ] The room was dark except for the lamp at the other side of the room which shone on the man's long legs clad in navy blue.

" You have something to sell young lady "? Kofi nodded absent mindedly as she looked around, " But the men hiding in the shadows irritate me just a tad ". Kofi wasn't wrong - since she was always on guard - , she could feel their presence easily. She felt like she was being ambushed though they weren't posing an actual threat to her and that annoyed her even more.

She thought she heard a soft chuckle from the man in the shadows, " As long as you behave, you'll be fine ". Kofi nodded [ He sounds so young though ] and threw the Tapi into his hands, " How much do you think that's worth "?

The man picked it up with his delicate looking fingers and hummed to himself, " An original Tapi drive Max 26. They've basically disappeared in the past sixteen hours. How did you get it "? Kofi spoke through clenched teeth, " Will you help me sell it or not? What's with all the damn questions "?

The man laughed and held up four fingers. Kofi sighed, " Good, you don't just talk. You can have forty percent of the cash then ". She could tell that surprised the man but she chuckled lightly, " You can't possibly be trying to cheat me ".

She threw a dagger and it landed between his feet, " Right "? She heard him chuckle as the lights suddenly went on. Kofi tilted her head to the side looking him up and down, from his light purple hair to smoky grey eyes, " You're alot older than you sound".

Sebastian smiled, even though had been a direct blow to his ego " Pretty sharp mouth you got there brat ". Kofi smiled innocently, " Thank you. I try ". Sebastian sighed as he raised the phone box, " I think we've got a deal though ". Kofi nodded, " Pleasure doing business ".