Chapter 41 : A dangerous spunk of energy.

Peach and the guys had no idea what was going on. When they touched Kofi, they felt like they'd been sucked into something very large. Looking at her hand, she saw grass on it " Am I dead "?

Chase flicked her forehead, " Is death the only thing you think about "? Peach rolled her eyes, rubbing the spot he hit " I make poisons for a hobby. What do you think "? Dylan helped her up, " I think this is Kofi's storage space ".

Chase looked around [ Is that a farm? ] " What makes you think that "? Dylan pointed at Whiskers who seemed to be annoyed with their presence, " Cos that's Whiskers ". They all jumped when they saw a face in the otherwise blue sky, " Greetings. I am Domino, how may I assist you "?

Peach pointed at it feebly before fainting, " Floating face ". Dylan caught her in time while Chase calmly spoke, " Nice to meet you too Domino. We didn't mean to intrude or anything but Kofi kinda put us in here ".

It was silent for a few seconds when she suddenly spoke, though a bit mechanical, her voice was definitely friendly " Please come into the space mansion, the living room has been prepared ".

Chase walked and Dylan followed, carrying Peach [ There's a space mansion? What's a space mansion? ] " I have so many questions ". When they entered the house, everything seemed so luxurious and clean. Dylan nodded slowly, " Soooo many questions ".

They suddenly heard Kofi's voice and she seemed to ask for a ski mask. Charles was slightly worried, " What do you think she's up to "? Domino seemed to be the house now, " Would you like to see "?

Dylan smiled, " Is that possible "? Charles spoke calmly and politely, " If it's not too much trouble ". A pair of doors opened and the living room seemed to appear. A couch appeared in front of them, " Please have a seat ".

Dylan sat down, placing Peach in his lap " Thanks ". Charles had no choice but to sit [ I guess we're doing this ] A holographic projection suddenly appeared in front of them and they saw a night sky quickly going by. They could even hear Kofi scream for a mattress.

They took a breath of relief as she landed on the mattress in one piece. Though the mattress appeared behind them, it fazed away and they continued to watch her.

Dylan was confused but at the same time interested on what was going on, " She might be the only person that has escaped the interrogator though ". Charles nodded and they quietly watched her run through the back alleys.

What they didn't expect was for her to go to the Fosmioa auction house. The two broke out in laughter when Kofi called the Fosmioa patriarch and head appraiser of the auction house "Old".

The Fosmioas' were a family that made their debut in the International Community about thirty years ago and quickly rose to power. Though they weren't a First class family, they were an Upper family.

They were most famous for their connections with everyone and everything, they were nicknamed "Middlemen" because of it. Their auction houses were famous for the unexpected things within it.

You never knew what would be up for grabs but it was always worth while. Kofi had just called a man capable of finding any sort of information on her "Old" and the man didn't seem to mind.


Kofi walked with Sebastian, glancing around at the things in the hallway. He suddenly stopped and drew the curtain up for her, " Would you mind staying in the same cubicle with me "? [ Need to keep an eye on you anyways ] Kofi raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms [ That's suspicious ]

Sebastian smiled, " It's free ". Kofi brightened and quickly walked in, " You should have led with that ". He sighed as he followed after her and saw her leaning over the wooden terrace looking from left to right, " You've got a nice place here old guy ".

Sebastian clenched his teeth [ Am I that old? ] " Can you stop calling me that "? She turned to him, " But I don't know you're name ". He sighed as he sat, " Sebastian. Call me that instead ". Kofi nodded, " Okay....Sebastian "

[ That's a long name ]

They seemed to be very high up with wooden boxes like this all the way down. There was a circular podium in the middle of it all and a big screen on the front of the boxes, " What's that for Seb "?

Sebastian frowned slightly, " Seb "? She shrugged, running her hand along the polished wood, " Don't like it? Then old guy it is ". Sebastian sighed, " Seb is fine ". Kofi smiled and he went on, " That's how you signify whether you want to bid or not ".

Kofi nodded slowly, taking her seat next to him " How long do this things usually take? I'm hungry ". He looked at her with raised eyebrows, " Are you naive or just playing dumb "? Kofi smiled innocently, crossing her legs " What do you think "?

Sebastian smiled to himself [ Interesting young lady ] " Would you like some pastries "? Kofi looked at him, head slightly tilted " Sounds good. Does it taste good too "? Sebastian nodded and she clapped her hands excitedly, " Yay, I want this many ".

She spread her arms wide and Sebastian laughed [ She's a very sponky.....dangerous ball of energy ]