Chapter 42 : ......And one virsel.

" Grandma, where are you "? Adele scoffed, " I thought you were busy. Don't you have work to do or something "? Lloyd sighed as he massaged the bridge of his nose, " Alright grandma. Good night ".

Adele yelled into the phone quickly, " You wouldn't dare! Get your butt up to room 40, the main auction hall now ", and ended the call. He sighed as he started walking, " How does grandpa deal with this all the time "?


The auction had already started but nothing seemed to interest Kofi. She sighed as she put another cookie in her mouth, " These are so good. Who made them "? Sebastian laughed, " My son. He loves to bake. But don't tell anyone, its supposed to be a secret ".

Kofi nodded, licking her fingers " Then why are you telling me that? Aren't you afraid I could use that information againsy you or something "? Sebastian shrugged, " Of course I am. But you look like a girl who likes money and we both know I can help you get it ".

Kofi nodded, waving her cookie in his face " I like the way you think Seb. I have a feeling we'll get along well ". Sebastian laughed, " Are you planning on buying anything though "?

Kofi shrugged, looking down at the auction below, " If I find anything interesting ". Sebastian nodded, " What do I call you? It's not fun calling you a brat anymore ". Kofi tilted her head to the side [ I obviously can't give him my real name ] " Domino. Ella Domino ".

Kofi suddenly bowed her head mumbling quietly to herself, " I'm sorry Domino. I just stole your name " [ Do not be worried master. You can always give me another name although Domino is my permanent name ]

She took in a deep breath and continued watching the auction [ I'm so dumb ] She blew a small raspberry as she looked at Sebastian, " How do you enjoy this? Do you enjoy this "? Sebastian smiled as he looked down, " More times than I don't ".

Kofi nodded, looking down and suddenly frowned. There seemed to be a small teddy bear with black and white stripes for fur on display, " We have here a rare one of a kind Varclay original stitched stuffed animal mirroring what is believed to be the now extinct Chinese panda bear. We will start the bidding at a hundred virsel ".

She could hear murmuring as people talked about the toy but she wanted it for some reason. She didn't care about the price though but she had no idea why she would want it in the first place, " I want it. How do I buy it "? Sebastian held out a remote with three buttons on it. One green, red and blue. The green for entering the bid, red for not entering the bid and blue for backing out of the bid.

She pressed the green button, surprising everyone but she was only focused on the doll " Is it mine yet "? Sebastian nodded when the three second count was over, " Yeah, since nobody else seems to want it ". She nodded, suddenly feeling a bit more at ease, " And the Varclay original panda bear goes to the young lady in room 45 ".


Lloyd had been grumpy most of the time, he hated things like this but his grandma loved it. His attention was a bit piqued when someone bid for the teddy bear on the podium [ A hundred virsel seems a but much for it though ] but someone bought it anyways.

Sitting in opposite rooms, he had a clear view of the girl that was sitting in Sebastian's room. She looked young but familiar at the same time. He could tell that she spoke to him as if they were old friends and he seemed to be responding to her with the same energy.

She also seemed to be eating cookies, " What an odd sight " [ And what's with the mask ] They brought out a simple painting with the back view of a woman which seemed to outline the four seasons from winter to autumn.

Though the picture was pretty, it wasn't worth the price, at least to Lloyd " We have a painting called 'Season of life' by mysterious artist V. We will start the bidding at a thousand virsel ". Kofi had no interest in the painting and looked around instead [ Master you should get the painting before its too late. This painting has serious sentimental value ]

She shrugged and pressed the green button [ What does sentimental mean? ] " If you say so ". That got a few murmurs then someone else spoke into their microphone, " Fifteen hundred virsel ". Kofi giggled and stood up as she spoke into her microphone with a raised finger, " Fifteen hundred...and one virsel ".

There was a bit of murmuring but the person went even higher, " Two thousand virsel ". Kofi smiled, staring at the man mockingly " Two thousand.....and one virsel ". The man groaned, looking at her " Three thousand virsel ".

Kofi yawned, looking down at the painting "This is no longer fun. Five thousand virsel ". There was even more murmuring but the box of the other man went blue and Kofi clapped for herself, sitting down " Yay. I won ".

Sebastian sighed, " You didn't technically win ". Kofi tilted her head to the side, putting a finger to her chin " Then what is this sense of victory that says otherwise ". Sebastian shook his head with a smile, " I kinda wish I could see what goes on in your head ".

Kofi swing her feet, all smiles " Kinda? That means you don't really want to.....why "? Sebastian smiled, tapping her nose, " My fear of what I could find in your dark twisted little head outweighs my curiosity ".

Kofi giggled, adjusting her beret " That's very nice of you to say Seb ". He sighed, a tired smile on his face as he shook his head " Your welcome Ella ".