Chapter 50 : What is this feeling?

Leonardo sighed as he slammed the car door shut, " Think about the positive. You get to see all your friends....and babysit a bunch of kids ". He left his stuff in the car and walked in to the gold painted building in front of him.

Lloyd had told him he was in the gym and why not work out, keep his mind off his current situation. He was walking in a daze when a mass of red hair jogged past him, talking to herself " I think I'll try out the monkey bars first ".

He stopped and frowned [ That voice.... ] He shook his head and continued walking, " Now I'm imagining things ". She pushed the doors to the gym open and looked around. She could hear cheering from one side but ignored it.

Whiskers patted her head lightly, " The monkey bars are over there ". She nodded, walking in the opposite direction towards the bars. She jumped up easily and began her pull ups.

She jumped back down in frustration after ten minutes, " It's too easy " [ Master, if you'd like a challenge, you could use one hand ] She smacked her head with her hand, " I should have thought of that. Good thinking Coda ".

So she began again, using her right hand while she had the other behind her back " Coda, could you check for a place called Delvara " [ On it master ] Whiskers jumped on to her sneakers, " What are you doing "?

She looked down at him, swinging her feet and trying to shake him off " I'm curious ". Though she managed to fling him off, he landed on the bench in front of her. Jumping to the wooden support beams, it stretched on the metal pole, looking down at her " What's there to be curious about "?

She shrugged, switching to another hand " I never thought a place like Lupart could exist even in my wildest imaginations, but here I am. You were pretty weak as it was but you managed to find a body in Lupart, I'm sure they're all connected somehow ".

Whiskers touched her head when she came up, " Master always said you were smart. I guess you were too busy trying to survive to care ". She smiled, using her two hands again " Of course I am. But another thing, I can't seem to remember what he looked like ".

Whiskers smiled smugly, " Of course you cant. He has... ". Whiskers frowned, putting a paw to his chin " I can't think of anything ". He began to panic, pacing on the pole " I know what he looks like. I just don't remember what that is ".

He missed his step and fell off the pole. Kofi stretched her legs forward and caught him just in time. She brought her knees close to the pole and he jumped on to it, " You look cute when you panic Whiskers ".

He glared at her, " Shut up ". She laughed, pulling herself up on the pole " Is there a reason we don't remember though "? Whiskers put his paw on her hand, still worried " Of course there is. The problem now is we don't even know why ".

Kofi sighed, raising herself high above the pole and turning over. She caught herself just in time and sat on it, facing the wall now " My master knows what he's doing. It'll just take a while for us to figure it out too. Coda, what else can I do on this thing "?

[ You could also do pull ups with your legs ] Coda gave her a visual and she fell back, clamping her legs on the bar and pulling herself up [ Master, I have confirmed the existence of a place called Delvara, but it seems to be very far from Lupart. What's strange is the way it's not on the radar. I had to hack a lot of international databases just to find its general location ".

Kofi let down her guard and lost her grip on the monkey bar. She managed to use her hands to break her fall and flipped forward, laughing at herself " What "? She ran her hands through her hair which had come loose, looking around " Where is that punching bag "?

She found it in the corner and looked at it firmly, " Can I get some gloves please " [ Of course, but master your heart rate has gone up slightly and your eyes seem to be misty. It would be best to calm yourself ]

Kofi shook her head as she flexed her fingers which were now covered by fingerless black gloves, " I am calm ". She bounced from foot to foot as she began punching the bag, " What is this feeling? I know I'm angry but it's more than that ".

She couldn't figure out what feeling it was and it only made her angrier, making her kick the bag harder [ Why do I feel so worked up? Why the hell do I care? It isn't even my problem anymore ]

She didn't even realize she was panting till someone held her hand back. Slightly annoyed, she looked behind her and saw Lloyd " You're really gonna hurt yourself at this rate ".