Chapter 51 : She's an impressive handful.

Lloyd and Rider had decided on another bench press contest. The rules were simple, whoever could do the most in five minutes won, but this time it was a tie. That was when Leonardo joined them, " Do you guys ever sleep in "?

Asher was the first to jump on him, " So you weren't joking ". He laughed, patting Asher's back " Nice to see you too Ash ". Rider clapsed hands with him, " Longest time bro ".

Lloyd and Leonardo looked at each other with mischievous smiles on their faces. They made finger guns and pointed at each other. Lloyd made a clicking sound with his tongue, " Smart ass ".

Leonardo acted like he dodged a bullet, also making a clicking sound " Troublemaker ". They suddenly shook hands, pointing a finger at each other as they spoke in unison " Guilty ". They all ended up laughing when Asher whistled.

Rider followed his gaze and saw Kofi on the monkey bars, " She's a hard worker. I'll give her that ". Asher smiled smugly, " Of course. I'd expect nothing less from my student sister ".

Leonardo and Lloyd also looked over and saw Kofi. Lloyd couldn't help but snap his finger, " Now I remember, she was one of those roof jumpers ". The others looked at him, very confused and he sighed " You guys know there was a bit of traffic last night ".

Rider scoffed and shook his head, " That was a gridlock and it was your fault ". Lloyd rolled his eyes, " Anyways, she and a couple of her friends decided it would be a good idea to use car roofs as a way out ".

Rider nodded approvingly, " That's a pretty good idea ". Leonardo watched her doing pull ups and smiled, " How long do you think she'll keep at it "? Lloyd smirked, pointing in her direction " Not that long ".

Asher suddenly chuckled, " Don't underestimate her ". Rider was surprised when she began doing pull ups on one hand, " She's quite impressive ". Lloyd squinted slightly, " Is that a fox on her feet "?

She flung it off her feet but it landed on a bench and jumped on to the wooden pole and balanced on the pole. Asher smiled to himself, " Yeah, you'd be surprised what it can do ".

She switched to another hand seamlessly as she laughed with the fox. Rider shook his head lightly, " She's not even thinking. She's just moving ". Leonardo sighed, " We should be working out since we're in a gym ".

Asher nodded, " I'll take the treadmill close to my student sister ". Rider nodded seriously, " I'll take the cardio machine next to yours ". Lloyd shrugged, getting up " I just want to see how long she can keep it up ".

Leonardo smiled, " What the heck? I'll be with the dumbbells ". As they all got up, they saw the fox on her legs. It climbed to her knees and she pulled herself up, letting it climb back on to the pole.

Asher rubbed his chin lightly, " I'm beginning to feel a little intimidated ". She pulled herself up on to the pole, backing them and Leonardo nodded, " Who's taking gym and training though "?

Lloyd raised his hand, " That would be me " and Rider patted him on the back, " Good luck, you're gonna need it ". He rolled his eyes, " At least the students will enjoy my class. Leo's taking History and Evidence ". Asher pouted slightly, " I'm stuck with Drama and Economics ".

Rider smiled to himself, " Language and Interrogations ". The others went back to exercising while Lloyd watched Kofi. The more closely he watched her, the more curious he became.

Though she was training, it seemed more like her body was simply reacting to her movements and that was usually only possible with serious or life threatening training.

He was a bit surprised when she fell back but she clamped her legs on the bar and continued her pull ups. After a while, something seemed to have distracted her and she lost her grip.

He'd already jumped to his feet, ready to help when she planted her hands on the floor and flipped forward, landing on her feet easily. He massaged his nose with a tired laugh, " She's gonna be a handful ". He heard her laugh and thought she was done.

He was already busy with the dumbbells when the fox appeared in front of him. Putting them aside, he picked the little guy and was surprised by how soft his fur was " What ya doing over here little guy "?

The thing pulled at his shirt with its teeth then pointed at Kofi,whining. He frowned, walking over " Is something wrong with your owner "? He could have sworn the thing nodded and when he got to Kofi, he could tell something was actually wrong.

Though her punches and kicks were powerful and precise, she was going to end up hurting herself soon. And she seemed to be lost in her thoughts, making it hard for him to stop her with words.

She snapped out of her daze when he caught her hand and though she seemed annoyed, her eyes were misty with tears [ She's crying? ] " You're really gonna hurt yourself at this rate ".

She relaxed and put her leg down. She touched her face with her free hand and looked up at him, " What's wrong with my eyes "? He raised and eyebrow [ Is this some sort of prank? ] letting her hand go and she went on, " Is it normal for sweat to be coming out of them "?

He was even more perplexed [ Is this supposed to get my attention or something ] " Sweat "? She nodded, putting her finger to her lip " Yeah, its salty. Just like sweat ". Lloyd sighed [ So she isn't joking ] and gave her back the fox, " You should call it a day. Come back when you calm down ".

She was silent for a few seconds and suddenly nodded, " Alright, thank you for stopping me ". He was a bit surprised as she walked off, she didn't argue with him or flirt with him either. Looking back at the punching bag, he could see small holes in the places she'd hit [ Damn ] " Note to self, do not anger blue eyed red head ".