Chapter 52 : Will you stop yelling?

Leonardo couldn't shake the feeling that he'd seen Kofi somewhere before. And her voice was so familiar too. " Guys, I think I'll go check the apartment ". They nodded and he left.

He could hear Kofi talking with her fox, " You're so cute, even worrying about me ". He looked her up and down, still trying to figure out where he'd seen her before. They entered the elevator and it came to him.

He looked at his watch calmly," Two thousand virsel ", Kofi giggled to herself, looking at Whiskers " Two thousand and one virsel ". He smiled to himself, " Three thousand virsel ". She tilted her head to the side, " Three thousand and one virsel ".

With that, he suddenly pointed at her [ Found you ] " I knew it was you ". Kofi was a bit surprised, " Excuse you "? Leonardo smirked to himself, " You're the girl from last night. The one who bought the painting ".

Kofi heard a ding and tried to step out [ Shit. He's from the auction house ] " This is my stop ". He pulled her back in, " I don't think so ". Before Kofi could react, he shut down the elevator, leaving them stuck between floors.

She dropped Whiskers and hit the door " What's the meaning of this? Let me out ". He suddenly trapped her between his arms, " Do you have any idea what you put me through "? Kofi looked up at him mockingly, " I honestly don't care but I have a feeling you're gonna tell me anyways ".

He bit his tongue and Kofi suddenly bopped his nose, " You're gonna end up bleeding if you bite yourself so hard ". He frowned, looking at her closely " Shut up ". She stuck out her tongue, " Make me ".

He was a bit taken aback and she pushed past him, to the other side of the elevator " I thought so ". Leonardo sighed, stretching his hand out to him " What do I have to do to get that painting "?

Kofi shrugged, " Nothing, cos I'm not giving it to you ". Leonardo twitched slightly, " What? Why not "? Kofi shrugged, " Cos I've already sold it ". He raised an eyebrow doubtfully, " Really, to who "?

Kofi folded her arms and closed her eyes, " It's none of your business. Now fix this thing ". Leonardo shook his head, " Not until you give me the painting ". She smiled innocently and suddenly took a deep breath, " We could have done this the easy way ".

" Help! Somebody help us "! Leonardo frowned, reaching out for her " What are you doing "? Kofi easily avoided him, still yelling " Can anybody hear me "!? Leonardo tried to grab her again, " What is wrong with you "?

Though she dodged him, she ended up being cornered. Leonardo was annoyed and slightly frustrated [ She's a lot more slippery than I expected ] , " Will you stop yelling "? Kofi couldn't help but smile [ He's so fun to tease though ] " Make me ".

She took another deep breath, ready to start yelling and Leonardo was already at his wits end. He couldn't take the risk of actually covering her mouth since she would easily run away.

" I really need you to calm down and listen to me ". Kofi wasn't listening [ This is fun ] and was already yelling again, "Help us ". Kofi was very surprised when he bit her neck. A sudden wave of dizziness hit her, she recovered quickly and beat his chest with her fists and he stopped, " I'm really sorry about that ".

Kofi touched her neck, mumbling to herself [ I actually let my guard down for a second and I couldn't breath ] " What was that? Is it some sort of technique "? He raised an eyebrow, " Are you messing with me "? Kofi shook her head innocently, " Tell me what that was and I'll give you the painting ".

Leonardo scratched his head, " You can't be serious ". She shrugged, reaching out for the button that stopped the elevator " If that's what you think ". Leonardo caught her hand, " Wait ".

Kofi smiled, looking up at him " Awesome. I already have a vague idea of what it is. I just wanna try something ". Leonardo shook his head, " I don't even want to know what you have in mind ". She suddenly clasped his shoulders, jumped up and bit his neck gently.

Before he could react, she let go and punched him in the gut and knocked him off his feet. She clapped for herself, pressing the button " Awesome. It worked ". Just as Leonardo got up, the elevator doors opened and she stepped out.

" You can come over and get your painting. Thanks for teaching me that technique. I can't wait to really try it out on someone ", Whiskers walked after her. The doors closed as she entered one of the apartments.

Leonardo shook his head lightly, " Why do I feel like I just made her even more dangerous "? He rubbed his stomach, looking at the silver doors " And that hurt ".