Back in the city

Reva's uncle tries his best to convince the village head, but neither the village head nor Reva is a fool. Reva also tried her best to act like a white lotus and showed the village head, how cruel her uncle and aunt are. Her grandma also tries her best to convince them that children, and Reva needs them in the future, but neither Reva nor the children were interested in that.

After the discussion, village head asked Reva to not to put any complain against her own relatives! And also, her uncle and aunt were asked to return the jewelry and land to Reva! Thankfully the original Reva was enough smart to keep the documents of the land safe.

Uncle and aunt got too much angry but, what could they do? They agreed with what village head said coldheartedly! Previously, they decided to sell the land after Reva gets married, they even saw a man for Reva to get married! Never in their wildest dream they thought that Reva would act like this with them.

Anyway, after some mumbling in anger gave away the jewelry to Reva! Reva also requested the village head to engage her land with farming! To which the village head agreed readily. After that the village head bid goodbye to them.

Children saw that Reva wanted to leave and got really scared! They knew, aunt and uncle were really angry for what happened, and they must go with Reva! Aditya wanted to say something, but before he could say something, Reva tells them to bring their clothes.

Here when the aunt sees the village head go, she breaks into the room, and throws the clothes of the children on the ground! The clothes were already too old and somewhat dirty! And, now due her aunt they got dirtier! Reva wanted to smash her face, but she understands that she can't get angry at this moment, so she decided to leave with children. The children were also very smart. They quickly ran inside, and brought their school bag outside.

Seeing their school bags Reva realized that she needs to take care of the children's school too because she was taking them in the city at the middle of the year. But for now, leaving this house is important. After leaving the house of her uncle, Reva brings children in the only restaurant in the village.

"Adu, Aditya I am really sorry! I didn't know they were treating you like that!" Reva apologized! She knows even though children are small, they too understand a lot of things. Considering them immature or hiding things from them can only worsen their relationship. So, Reva decided to make things straight from start.

"Mau it's okay, I know you sent us money too!" Aditya replied. Thankfully her uncle and aunt who were hiding things from Reva, always told them how much Reva was suffering in the city just to support them! Children understand that they only have their Reva mau now.

"Hmm! Okay now after eating, we will go to your school and take the leaving certificate with us. After that, we will go back to the city. Are you excited, my little angels?" Reva asks excitedly. She is much happier now, to have these little two cute dumplings with her.

"Yes mau" Aditi said happily. She really likes her mau. Her mau is the only one who brings them gifts, and also never hits them. She is too happy that she is leaving this village.

After finished their eating, Reva asked them their school's address. They went there, and Reva told the teacher about their situation. Teacher already had pity on this two children, also Aditya was quite smart in studies. So, teacher only wished good for them, and immediately provided their leaving certificate.

The teacher also gave some advice related to children's future to Reva, considering this girl is too young for so much responsibilities. Reva thanked her, and left the school.

Reva never thought that she would complete this task hardly in 4/5 hours. She previously thought she might need to wait to remove the fake faces of her uncle's family. But it was done quite fast. She is too happy for that. In the evening they took the public transport to return back to the city. Children were going city after a long time, so they were too busy looking out side the world. Reva is feeling sleepy, but she remembers how children got trafficked when they left the village so she didn't let herself fall asleep.

While going home Reva bought some simple home clothes for children, she also bought dinner for them. She was too tired to cook food.

When they reached home, children got quiet disappointed seeing the home. But, they thought that, Mau is living in such a small place just for them. If Reva could hear their thoughts she might would have felt sad for their innocence. Any way, after eating and they decided to sleep early but, before that Reva needed to speak with the children.

"Aditya, I wanted to tell you something" Reva said while detangaling the hair of Aditi. God knows how many days she didn't wash her hair. There are several lice in her too, for which she need to go medical shop once again.

"What is mau?"Adtiya questioned, he feels very stressed, he doesn't understand what he will do, if mau didn't want them with her. Then where will they go!

"It is about the jewelry and land, see we have some land at village, which I am gonna keep for you both guys, and the jewelry also, I will keep them for Adi. But for now I need some money for opening my business, so can I borrow that jewelry, I promise I will pay you back double the jewelry"

"Mau that.....!"

Aditya doesn't know how to reply, he knows his mau loves him, but he never thought she will be thinking about them so much! When his uncle and aunt treated him badly, he always felt bad and thought that his mau might not love him. Thinking all the bad thoughts he had for his mau, he couldn't help but started crying.

Aditi also doesn't know why, but wanted cry. And seeing the two children crying, Reva tried to calm them down, but when they didn't stop, she also start crying. Life was messing her thoughts at that moment