New Start

After crying until their heart contain the trio stop crying.

"Why are you crying?" Reva finally manages to ask.

"I....I... I think you don't like us" Aditya manage to speak with his hiccups.

"....."Reva doesn't know what to say, the original owner sometimes get frustrated due to money issue, but she never hates children, The original Reva has money issue, she needs to pay her education loan, needs to earn money for herself and these two children's expenses, at such a young age, so feeling frustrated is quite natural but she indeed loves children, but she also can understand Aditya's point.

"I Love you, Aditya and Aditi, it just I am too weak that I can't protect you, also I am poor so I am not able to give you a good future, but worry not your mau will work hard and bring you everything you want"

"I don't want anything, I just want you and brother and food and chocolate," Little Aditi says while hugging Reva.

"I too," Aditya said while hugging her, Reva doesn't know why feels too good, the innocence of these children gives her calmness which she want to form for a long time.

After that Reva ask them what they wanted to buy but the children don't ask much, after lots of requesting they only ask for a picture book. Reva feels funny in heart, even though they are just kids they understand that she may don't have money so they need to save as much as they can, but Reva doesn't want them to feel disappointed or feel like they are poor. She will bring them everything they want and they need.

After the heart full conversation, they decided to sleep. Aditi clung to Reva like a Panda, and Reva by no means dislike it.

The next day Reva wake up early and decided to get ready for shopping, first she complete her morning routine, and when she come out she see that the children have already woken up and they already cleaned the room. Reva wanted to tell them that they don't need to do things, but it is a good habit so she doesn't say anything.

After that, she instructs children to get ready, while that she makes a big hefty breakfast. After that, they quickly eat that. Reva doesn't want to bring the children outside, but she is not also very much happy to let them stay home, after all when her leave is over, they need to stay alone at home. So she makes them ready.

She realized that Aditi's hair is still not good, but they are a lot better than before, she decided to give her little princess a makeover, in her past life she always wanted to have a girl to dress her up. Now she can do that. She makes them extra ready for the city, also she let them memorize her phone number and address. After that, they leave the house.

They first go to the bank, Reva already read from the internet that taking a loan on gold is quite easy, due to her previous life's experienceee, she is way smart while doing things, she always keeps a photocopy of her important document with original documents with her, also she always carries a pen and her passbook with her, also before going she always check on the internet. It helps her save time.

Today she is extra lucky when they reach a bank, it is not crowded hours, so she gets the loan easily, after doing that, she takes children to the mall, there she buy some good clothes for all of them, she also buys a laptop, for now, they don't have a TV in the home, so children at least can watch some videos on internet. She also buys a simple cell phone for them, this will help them to contact her, after that she also buys some comic books for them.

She also buys some food, After checking her account she realized that she already spent 70K INR, the loan she get is 2 Lakhs, so now she only has 130k, so she decided to end the shopping, after that, they eat lunch in a nearby restaurant. Children even though tired but still happy. After that, they go home and take a big nap.

In the evening after organizing the things which they bought in the afternoon, Reva started to teach children how to use the phone, she has an extra sim, so she decided to give it to them. After teaching them, she started a cartoon on the laptop and tells them to watch that, while she will cook, children are too happy.

Previously they always get beaten, even if they do small mistakes, their great granny call them freeloaders, burden and also curse, so they never ask for anything, they are not even allowed to watch TV or eat anything special but today mau buy them lots of things, also they are here without getting scolded they can't help but wanted to dance.

"Brother I love mau very much" the little girl whispers to her big brother, her brother is the only person who teat her nicely in the village.

"Me too," Aditya said while pinching her nose, he is not able to tell how it feels when there is someone who will take care of them, he always thinks that his mau is not a person who will fight with anyone, but yesterday he sees her fighting with there uncle for them, and he becomes her fanboy.

Reva after cooking dinner, call Nabha and ask for help from her for searching a new home for them, she even tells in short about children. After that, she eat dinner with the children. Aditi is too happy and energetic today that she wanted to play with her mau and Reva to fulfill her wish. After that, they go to sleep. Reva is genuinely happy after a long time.

Maybe as they say happiness is infectious, or maybe these children are angels who make her happy she doesn't know, but after her boss's death, this is the first time she is feeling such pure happiness.

Previously she often ask herself why she is living, there is no definite answer there, maybe she is just too scared to die that she is living, but now she wanted to live to make this child happy and also to live a happy life. She said thank you to Mr. Sparky in her mind. She also understands that she needs to learn a lot. It's a new start to her life.