Leaving Job

Today Mahendra has a heated conversation with his family, after that, the deal he wanted for a long time, is won by his opponent, he is in a too bad mood that he wanted to beat someone, so he decided to vent his anger on someone and choose one of his company to do an inspection.

But when he comes here, he sees the girl who becomes the cause of his nightmare, but seeing her smiling he feels peaceful. He doesn't know why his emotions are like turmoil when he sees this girl, indeed he understands this is not love, but what it is then, he can't answer.

So eventually he comes here to talk with her and get tricked by her, but again he is not angry, instead he feels funny, anyway, he decided to cheer himself and work again, if that girl doesn't want to meet him, he will not force her.

Reva also calm down and decided not to react like the previous way. And this time she is quite calm facing him. The colleges already completed their work and they are ready to go to dinner. Reva already asks Nabha's mom to take the children with her, so they all leave for the restaurant.

After eating dinner, and talking with them, Reva somewhat forgot about the thing that happened in the office. Anyway, she already resigning, so even if the person who looks like her boss wanted to punish her, he can't. Thinking this Reva smile to herself.

And this way her life as an employee ends and her life of her own boss started.

Reva realized that it is not easy to be a freelancer, one thing is that in the office you have the environment of work, while at home your lazy mode is on, also in the office most of your task is to follow the order or do your usual work, but here works changes everyday, Reva has to solve her problem herself.

As we know everything has its own advantage and disadvantage, so there are some advantages too, now children and she at home, so all the travel expanses are saved, also the time also saved for the traveling. She also spend more time with children, which make all of them happy.

For other problems, she also finds solutions, like she makes a little office for herself, it is not like she gets a separate room, it just she finds a corner in their little home, and set desk and her laptop there, in that place she only works.

Also she uses the Pomodoro technique to work, which is she works for forty-five minutes and then takes a fifteen minutes break. In those fifteen minutes, she did some pushups, or talk with children, or drink her tea.

Anyway, her typing speed is too good, and her English also, and for now she is only getting work of editing. So she only needs to work five hours a day, but she is earning little more than her previous job salary. Which is indeed good.

Now she is at home, so she doesn't bring takeouts or ready-to-made food, she cooks at home, which saves money, also children's classes are also over so she is saving that money too. So in just three months, she pays off her student loan. Now there is only left a gold loan which is also not much.

It has been six months since she comes here, but her progress is a little slow, she learns from a system that to go back in her time, she needs to earn points, indeed doing the main task assign by the system, she is gonna earn points, but it is far low than what she needs, the system tells her that if she does good deeds then she can earn extra point. But how can Reva earn that, when her life is too busy.

Reva realized that her system is way different than those system stories, there is no cheat, no hidden mall, no big rewards, there is no one who will fall in love with her, also the system tells her if she doesn't use the skills she learn in her previous life in her next life, she might forget that, also with her memories, so Reva write down everything about her past life and put it in system space, which is not much only enough to put one or two books.

Anyway, Reva decided not to think much, anyway she already gets a chance and also can live the life many times, and she also understands that this task is easy, she is not sure if she can seduce someone, or will sleep with someone easily, so this task is far better also these two children are too well behaved. She doesn't need to help them to go toilet, or to take bath, or to feed them.

She is also not very poor or sick in this life, so it is not that bad. Reva decided to work harder for her good future. If she is getting this chance then she will use it 100%.

The system is somewhat happy listening to this, she chooses Reva for various reasons but one reason is Reva's this attitude. Reva is quite an optimistic, and solution-friendly person, there are lots of people who find problems in even solutions, but Reva never does that, she can see the silver lining of the cloud, can analyze things easily. Also even after suffering so much she is still not thinking about herself but her boss.

She is a true lover, a genuine person. Also, she doesn't have much attachment with her previous world, so she is the best option for this. The next mission is the main mission and the system wants Reva ready for it.

Also in her original world, she can save lots of life, and that is more than enough for choosing her.

Reva who don't know about system's thought is in another dilemma, it is Aditya and Aditi's birthday is coming, and she wanted to celebrate it somewhat lavishly but the question is she doesn't have much money after paying off her debt, she also needs to save money for their school.

Her conscious and wise mind telling her to do it simply, but she wanted to celebrate it somewhat big party type, and there is another reason for her that is she remembers how her boss celebrates it, remembering that Reva's heat feels warm again.