
As an orphan, Reva doesn't have a special birthday, in her orphanage, every child celebrated their birthday on the same day, which is on independence day.

There are several reasons for that, one that is on this day lots of politicians distribute sweets and clothes to the orphanage, and the second, children get new uniform form school or this what Reva thinks in her mind.

She is never excited about her birthday, after all, there is nothing special about that, so she decided that she will have own birthday, for that after she completed her education while getting her leaving certificate which is to be considered the proof of date of birth, she decided to try for her own birthday.

She requested the clerk in her college to change it to another day, the clerk is very unwilling, the officer too, but she tells them she will do all formality which required, she also tells them her sad story so they get agreed, but the tough task is to let the head of the orphanage to agree with her, but Reva is a good child so he agrees.

And which day Reva choose for her birthday, the answer is, for that she do a long analysis, from the orphanage she found out that when she found in the trash box, she is nearly one month baby, so she takes the calendar of the year, goes back 30 days of the day when they found her and find a day with good horoscope and decided that this will be her birthday.

When she gets her own special date for her birthday she is too happy, the clerk feels too ironic, some people even need to struggle to get a birthday, Reva still remembers that clerk is the one who calls her on her birthday, actually, he is the only one who calls her to be honest.

Reva doesn't have many friends, the reason is in the orphanage she doesn't have anyone with the same age as her, in school indeed she has friend, but later they go to a different college, in college Reva studies hard, so she has very less friends, but she can't afford to go out, or to give parties or even go out to picnic, so she doesn't get chances to interact with them very much, she also has very sow esteem that time, due to her tanned and acne-prone skin, her somewhat chubby bpdy and also her lack of knowledge towards the world.

Anyway as time passes she realizes that her birthday is nothing special, she doesn't have anyone who will feel good due to her birthday, after all, she is an unwanted child, so no one wants her right?

When she becomes her boss's secretary, she decided to take leave on her birthday, after all this is one of the depressing days for her, but her boss tells her that today he needs her with him.

That day, she realizes their boss is in hurry, she even asks him what the matter on which he only replied that they need to go out on a very special occasion in the evening.

Reva doesn't ask much and do the work which is assigned to her, she get messages from some of her friends, and she knows this is just formality, after all, she is now 27 years old, and everyone around her are too busy to celebrate her birthday.

In the evening her boss takes her to his one of the villa, he invites her inside and tells her that he will get ready for the event until that she can go and roam in the garden, Reva first doesn't want to go, but later she decided to go there.

After all, she might not get this chance again, and to her surprise when she reaches the garden, her boss is there with a birthday cake and a beautiful flower banquet.

There is also a dining table, which is decorated very beautifully, Reva runs towards her boss, she has a wild guess in her heart, but is that possible?

"Boss, boss, whose birthday is today?" she decided to ask directly, it is impossible that her busy boss remembers her birthday.

"A very special person" her boss replied, she gives a self-mocking laugh, how dare she thinks that this is for her, she is nothing but an unwanted child.

"Happy birthday beautiful lady Reva" she again heard her boss's voice. He is putting the cake on the table.

"so you mean this is for me?" Reva questioned.

"Of course" her boss replied while pinching her nose.

"Boss, thank you so much, you are the best" Reva hugs her boss tightly, she can't help but feel too sweet in her heart, but again this brings a tear to her eyes.

She also realized the stiffness of her boss and realized her wrongdoing, but today is her birthday, she at last deserves a hug from him, so instead of leaving him, she hugs him more tightly, she knows he is not gonna scold her.

Mahendra put the banquet on the table and also hug her back, after some minutes Reva let go, due to her tears his shirt is somewhat wet, she murmurs sorry, but her boss just waves his hand.

"This is your gift" Mahendra gives her a big bag, Reva is too excited that she sits down on the ground and opens the gift, it is a very beautiful dress with beautiful jewelry, to be honest, it is the first gift she ever get, she hugs it very very tightly.

"Go wear it, and if you don't like it we can change it"

"no, no I like it very much, but I don't want to waste it, I will preserve it"

"ar, this is a dress, and I want you to wear it, so now go and change," Her boss says in his bossy tone, but Reva knows he is doing it for her. So she quickly nodded, and ask him where she can change.

Her boss shows her the guest room, Reva quickly runs towards the room.

After changing the dress very quickly, Reva also finds matching jewelry, but the necklace required someone else help to wear it, so she decided to not wear it, she doesn't see any maid in the home, so forgot it.

She looks at herself, and remembers the quote"dress makes men" indeed it is true, with this expensive dress she is looking somewhat beautiful.

She quickly comes downstairs, and find her boss is on phone, she knows how busy her boss is, so taking out one or two hours is too much, and he is spending the whole evening with her, how lucky she is, thinking this she can't help but wanted to dance.

Her boss heard the movement behind him, and looks towards her, seeing her he take a deep breath, and end the call.

"Why don't you wear the necklace?" He questioned.

"That... I need someone help me tying that"

"Okay, so I will help you," Mahendra said while patting her head. Reva remembers the scene where the villain gives a gift to the female lead and while doing that he takes advantage of heroin, but if her boss takes advantage of her, then she is more than happy for that, thinking this she smiles very loudly.

vvMahendra who doesn't knows her thought looks at her amusingly.

Reva again runs towards the guest room and brings the necklace back.

"Run slowly" Her boss reminds her, and takes the necklace from her, Reva is waiting his long fingers running on her neck, but to her surprise her boss just in few seconds her wear the necklace.

"too fast" Reva can't help but shout.

"you want it slow?" Mahendra questioned.

"no,.....but you look experienced boss" Reva understands this is no good to say this to the boss, her boss already giving her inch, and she is asking for a mile, but she can't hide her jealousy.

"The shopkeeper shows me how to do it, and I have a very high IQ so I learn quickly" Her boss explained to her while poking her head, Reva feels embarrassed, and looks down.

"Let cut the cake" Her boss pulls her towards the cake. After that they cut the cake, and he even feed her, she also feeds him a cake, she is too happy that day, it is her first birthday where she feels special, really special.

But her boss has another surprise for her.