
He look towards the girl who is sleeping soundly, he can't help but kiss her. 

 Anu suddenly gets kissed and opens her eyes. She sees Aarav crying and feels stressed. 

"What happens?" Anu questions while trying to sit. 

"This time I will not leave you Reva" Anu heard him saying, at a minute she doesn't understand what he is saying, but she realized he says her Reva and she feels goosebumps. 

"Boss..." Anu can't help but say while touching Aarav's face. 

 "I see everything Reva, I see your both lives, why you choose death, why you sacrifice everything" He can't help but question her. 

"Because without you the world does not belong to me, you are my world boss, you are my happiness, you are my everything," Anu said, she wanted to say more, but Aarav don't give her a chance.

He wanted to make Anu his in this life too, not only this but every lifetime.