
 "Welcome back Reva" Anu aka Reva hear her old name and also see her system after a long time. 

"Hey system I miss you a lot," Anu said with a smile. 

"really, but I don't think as you are quite busy with your boos," System said with sarcasm. 

"Okay, I miss you a little" Anu said. 

"Okay, okay ready to go in the next world?" system questions. 

"Yes but before that please tell me how many marks I got from this world" Anu questions. 

"In this world, you save both Raj and Sidharth, you also save Ram, and these three people live a good life, this way you also save the lives of those people who get killed by the hand of Sidharth, so you get seven points there, talking bout the revenge you get that so you get two points there, and for your overall good deeds, you get four points so the total you earn thirteen points, good growth" System said.