My new bully

When he mouthed those words, my heart jump. I can't afford to have another bully. I'm coming from a school where I got bully often, no one ever dear to stick up for me, and I never tried to stick up for myself either.

"Miss Butler?". "... Yes!", I jump at when the counsellor called my name because I was too deep in my thoughts.

"This is my office. Please come on in,". I entered the counsellor's office. It was gorgeous and clean. Anyone could tell that she neatly kept her surrounding.

"Please sit, Rina,". I took a seat and continue to look around before I ask, "Miss? Why did you ask me to come here with you?".

She then sat in her chair and put her hands on her table and look straight into my eyes and say, "Your pass records, from your five schools that you attend, tell that you are smart and a unique student in your own way, but struggle in finding peers and also gets picks on a lot during and out of school, am I right miss Rina?". "Hmm... yes miss you're right," I replied.

"Good, and also since yesterday you got reunited with your best friend from childhood days, but unfortunately lost her to a car accident. How are you coping with the incident, miss Rina?". "How does she know so much about me? I never really tell anyone this," I said to myself before answering her.

"Not fully recover from it, but am trying," I said to her. "Are you feeling any loneliness?". "Yes I am, miss,". "Would you like to share with me how you feel?". "No thank you miss,".

When I said that, I could see the disappointment in her eyes. "Okay, we will continue this session next week, miss Rina, but if you have something bothering you, please do come and see me. My name is miss Francis, just ask for me to anyone in the school, if you don't find me here,".

"Okay, miss Francis," I said, getting up from the chair. I walk to the door, opens it, then left. "What class do I go to now?", I ask myself. Then, while focusing on trying to remember what class I have now, I bump up into someone's chest.

I slowly look up at the person I bumped into. When I saw who I bumped into, I slowly step back, looking at the person.

"Oh, what a coincidence, just the right person I was looking for,". "I... I'm sorry about bumping into you. I wasn't looking where I was going," I said, stuttering. "Haha, but you bumped into me and hurt my chest, so it's only fair I hurt you back, right?", he asks.

"Please, please am really sorry, can you let me go into my class please?", I said with teary eyes. "No!", he said, then run after me. "Get her!", I run fast as I can to get away from them.

My tears busted out of nowhere, they just kept coming down my cheeks, they won't stop, just like how Johnathan and his friends won't stop until they catch me.

I wasn't looking where I was heading, then I ran straight into Johnathan's friend. "I caught her!", he shouted. "Why did you run from me? You know you just make me even angrier!", Johnathan shouts at me.

Then he took my bag away from me, take everything out of it then ask, "WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR MONEY?". "There's no money, I gave you everything I had this morning. What more do you want!", I shouted my lungs out at him while crying.

"Since there is no money, am just going to tear your reading book," he said with an evil smile.

I tried to fight the guy that's holding my hands but couldn't get free. Then Jonathan tore the pages out of my book, tore the book in half, stomp on it and laugh with his friends.

He came up in my face and said, "You better have some cash to give me tomorrow when I see you,". He then walks away, leaving his friend holding on to me. Then, his friend pushes me causing me to fall on the floor then he walks away laughing at me.

I started asking myself, what did I ever do to deserve this much pain and loneliness. I picked up the leaves of my storybook and the covers of the book.

I then hold it all in my hands and hug myself with it, lean on the lockers behind me and quietly cry by myself.

I sat there so long that even the bell rang twice, students class dismissed, teachers, walks by without saying a word to me, I guess they already use to seeing students, not inside their class but outside crying, students walk with their lunches, some look at me asking if I'm mad, some laughs at me, others walks far from me because nobody wants to be a broken and lonely girl like myself.

I didn't wrong them at all, I myself would stay away from someone like that too. "It's time to get up from here and head to my after-lunch class," I said to myself.

I got up and took my items with me. When I had gotten up everyone's eyes were on me looking as if I was mad but it didn't really bother me.

I walk straight into my class, took my seat, put my head down on my table, and shut out everything around me and think about what Abby would have done if she was in that situation.

Would she have told him off? Would she have threatened to break his arm if he touches her book? Would she bended his arm until he cried out and say he will never bother her again?

I wish I could have done at least one of those things I know Abby would have done if she was in that situation.