Admiring my bully

While I sat there with my head down, a little later I heard, "Students? Today we'll be introducing ourselves and what we are good at,". I got my head up off my desk and sit up like a normal student in the class.

I look around at every student in the class, then my eyes spotted someone I wish my eyes never spotted. It was Jonathan. As I saw him, I turned my head around and face the teacher in front of me.

"Students, who would like to go first?", ask my teacher. No one volunteers. Everyone sat quietly. Then someone shouts out that I wanted to go first. The teacher then gave me the eyes, "Would you like to first?" but I refuse.

I thought she would have called me out to speak, but she called out Johnathan instead. "Johnathan Hopper? Could you come up here?".

Everyone turns their attention towards him, but he just scares everyone who looks at him. He walks up to the front of the class and looks at everyone.

He smiles widely at everyone, scratches behind his head, then smiles again. Just seeing him smile, I honestly thought it was cute.

I know it's wrong to like the smile of my bully, but I couldn't lie. He was really handsome. I would have liked him as a crush if he didn't pick on me and demand my lunch money.

"Mr Hooper?", I heard the teacher said to Johnathan. "Sorry, miss. My name is Johnathan Hopper, I live in Barbados with my parents, but staying here in Canada with my aunt for school. My hobbies are listening to music and playing basketball. I hope we all can get along,".

"So what about picking on girls, isn't that one of your hobbies?", I ask myself in my head.

"Okay, Mr Hooper, you may take your seat now,". He took his seat just as the teacher instructed him to do.

"Okay, miss Butler, you're next,". I got up out of my seat and then walk to the front of my class and face everyone.

"Hi everyone, my name is Rina Butler. I live and grew up in Toronto, Canada. My hobbies are reading, dancing and singing. In the future, I would like to be an author. The reason being, I always find it interesting the way the authors writers their books, the way they put their feelings into their writings and finishing the novels always have inspired me. That's all from me now,". "Thank you miss Butler, you may take your seat,".

I took my seat once again, then miss called on someone to introduce themselves. Soon after, the class was ending.

"Students for next class, write a story on what you want to achieve this school year,". Ring, Ring.

"You are dismissed,". I took up my bag then headed to my locker for my math book for the next class, then I saw a janitor cleaning out Abby's locker.

I quickly took my book and rush to the janitor. I ask, "Excuse me, could you hand me the pretty pink journal, along with her pink pen, her reading books and her pictures please and thank you?".

The janitor then looks me up and down before asking, "Are you, Rina?". I replied, "Yes, I am,". Then he took out a photo from in his pocket and look at it before handing it to me and everything else I had asked for.

He then looks at me once more before closing Abby's locker, then walks away and says, "I hope you can recover from this soon,". He left, walking away with the other stuff I didn't take from her locker.

My heart started swelling with all the tears that are filling up inside me. Suddenly a tear's drop falls from my eyes, then right after each other tears begin to fall from my eyes.

I rush over to the females' restroom, and find an empty stall, close it, and stood in there for a good five minutes crying.

I then blow off all the pain I was feeling open the bathroom stall, then wash my face and head to my math class.

During math class, we started learning bases. I never really understand it at first, but slowly caught on. Before class ended, I could tell you what are bases and how do you solve with bases.

I think the teacher has some interest in how well I was going along with the topic because he had asked me to make my own base question and solve it to bring to our next class.

I never had a problem doing it, so I told the teacher I agree to do it. Finally, school was finished. I sat alone on the grass of our school, reading Abby's reading books.

I happen to hear voices talking over by the basketball court, so I got up from where I was sitting to see if they were playing basketball.

I walk over to there where I saw Johnathan and some other guys playing. To my surprise, Johnathan was half dress. He wasn't wearing any shirt, you could see his muscular arms, his abs with a six-pack and his slim stomach.

I couldn't stop myself from looking, but I wish I had stopped looking sooner at him. He was wonderfully shaped. The curve of his body, the way his sweat runs down on his chest, the way he dribbled the ball then shoot his shot and make a goal somehow I found it really sexy.

He leans on the fences with the ball in his hands and laughs with his friends after making the shot. He turns his attention over to where I was standing, then our eyes meet.

He got up, walks over to where his shirt and water bottle was, open his bottle and drank from it. The way he holds the bottle and his Adams' apple move up and down as he drinks made him look really handsome.

Then he looks up at me and realizes I was still looking at him. He closes his bottle, puts it down and starts walking over to where I was standing.