
I rush back to where I was sitting and pretend like I was reading. After five minutes, I felt someone beside me. I look up at the person and saw it was, Johnathan.

I smile at him, and surprisingly he smiles back at me. "Hello, I saw you were looking at me. Are you still mad about this morning?", he asks. "Of course I am still mad at him. How am I not to be! And why is he being so nice to me?", I question myself crazily.

"What do you want, Johnathan? Want more money? Well, I got none!", I replied to him annoyingly. "Aye, you were the one looking at me," he said. "Then put on clothes if you don't want others looking at you! And I wasn't looking at you!", I shouted at him while packing up my bag to leave.

"Aye, so you just going to pack your bag like that?". "Yes, am going home!". "Atleast give me a hug," he said with a smile.

"Is this guy okay? Why is he acting so kind towards me?", I question myself. Nevertheless, I hug him. While hugging him he said, "I know you like me, you don't got to hide it,".

I smack him across his face and step back from him and said, "Like you! Haha, hilarious!". He then walks up towards me, while I slowly step back from him. "Oh no. Did I get him angry?" I cried to myself.

He walks closer and I step back more until a car stopped me from behind. When he realizes the car stopped me, he walks faster to me. As he was finally in front me and I was looking up on him, he slams his hands at the top of the car behind me and said, "No where to run now,".

I look side to side then look up at him once more and said, "I'm really sorry for hitting you,". "Shut up! You just try have my money tomorrow!", he shouted at me, which had my heart jump.

I nodded to him and said, "I will,". He then looks at me up and down, laughs at me, then walks away from me.

My eyes got watery and immediately water came from my eyes. I walk home crying with a really sad face. When I reach by my house, I stood there in front of it, wipe my eyes and put on a smile on my face, then open the door.

"Mommy am home!". "Good evening, Rina. How was school, hun?", my mother ask happily, but when she saw my teary eyes she embrace me in her arm and told me that everything was going to be okay soon so I shouldn't cry no more.

Somehow she always knows how I feel and what am going through. "Rina, go and lay down now. I will get you a new reading book tomorrow. I soon bring something up for you to eat," she said.

I left to lie down, leaving mom alone. As I enter the room, I lay on my stomach and cried some more.

Little later my mother came up with a plate with meatballs and rice. I ate, then went to take a shower. After showering, I went and look for another reading book to read.

The book I found was called "What is love? What is love to me? Now I know what love is to me". Somehow I was drawn to the book by its title that I even sat on the floor reading it and never got up until two hours later when my parents came to check on me.

"Rina, are you asleep?", they came in quietly and ask. "No, I'm reading," I replied to them. "Rina, isn't it time for bed?", ask my dad. "Okay, I'll go to bed now," I said, getting up off the floor.

"Good girl,". "Good night, hun," said mom and dad. "Good night mom and dad," I said back quietly to them.

They then left and I close my eyes and went to bed.

Next morning, I got up and got ready for school. I walk into the kitchen and smell something really nice. "Mmm, what's cooking?", I ask, smiling widely.

"Good morning princess, mommy left early to get you a new reading book, so I decide to make you your favorite meal, macaroni and cheese," said dad excitedly. "Haha, okay, then let's have breakfast together," I said excitedly.

After breakfast, I headed to school with a smile on my face. I Honestly forgot that am going somewhere where there is hell.

I enter the schoolyard and something shocking happened. Everyone was looking at me. Yes, I understand they think I am mad, but this time the way they were looking at me it was different.

I hurry over to my locker, with every eye looking at me.

I open my locker and whispered, "Why won't they stop staring at me? It's creepy and letting me feel uncomfortable,".

Then suddenly someone spoke and said, "Why don't you keep your filthy hands off my boyfriend?". I close my locker and face the person who just spoke.

When I turn to face the person who spoke, I saw three girls. They kinda remind me of the movie "Mean Girls".

I then ask to them since I don't know who spoke, "Excuse me, what boyfriend are you speaking about?". Then one girl replies, "So you don't know who am speaking about or you just messing around with everyone man and pretend to not know anything!". "Huh? Am confused," I replied. SMACK!! "Don't you dare lie to me after you hug and kiss my boyfriend!", she shouts along with hitting me on my cheek.

Everyone's eyes were pierced on me and the girls in front of me. Then, strangely, my tears started forming in my eyes and drop from my eyes.

I started crying and said, "I don't know what you talking, I swear,".

Smack again! "Don't cry to me with the intentions of stealing my boyfriend!", she said, hitting me again. "Stay away from my boyfriend! You hear me, you little...", she shouts at me and her two friends snap their fingers and walk away with her.