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I walk to the cafeteria, look for an empty table, sat and have my lunch while reading my book.

Suddenly someone rests their hand on my left shoulder. I look around and saw Johnathan's smiley face.

"What do you want?", I ask annoyingly. "Why been so cold?", he teases with sad eyes. "Don't play that with me now!" I shout at him, turning around.

He then sat beside me and ask, "Can I have 10 dollars?". For the first time I ever hear him ask me for something politely. "Have you hit your head, Johnathan?", I ask in confusion.

He gave me the confuse expression as if he doesn't understand what I ask. "You are always a bully towards me why are you being nice to me, huh?", I question him angrily.

"Aye, I still want your lunch money, but because one of my friends like you, I am trying to make him jealous," he said winking at me.

"I was right, this guy is the devil!", I shout at myself.

"So why do you need 10 dollars?". "Because I'm low on so money for someone I owe,". "And who is that you owe?". "My cousin,". "Hmm, can't you just tell him you soon have the money?". "Haha! No," he laughs. "My cousin is a mad dude,".

"Hmm, is he a bully like you?", I ask while pushing away my lunch and glance over at him. "Rina, you deserve to be bully plus you are stupid and a nerd, that's why I will always pick on you and everyone will always take advantage of you," he said in a serious tone.

When he said that, my heart tightened a little. I wanted to cry my eyes out the way his words were painful.

I got my bag and my books, leaving my lunch on the table, and got up. I was about to walk off when Johnathan got up fast enough to pull my arm back to him where my back hit onto his chest.

"Where are you going? You still have yet to give me the 10 dollars,". "I... I don't have any money, Johnathan," I replied with tears coming from my eyes.

"Then why are you crying?". "I... I'm crying because you are hurting me!", I cried louder as he squeezes my arm more.

"Maybe if you had been a good girl, I wouldn't have to be hurting you!", he shouts just enough for me to hear and scare me.

"Let me go, Johnathan! You're hurting my arm!", I shout out, hoping someone would help me. Everyone just look around at me in pain than to help me.

"I... I was right, these people here are evil! Lord, am I in hell? If I am, can you take me out of it, please!" I cried out in my mind.

"I'll give you the 10 dollars!", I shout out at him. "Good girl," he said, letting go my arm. I open my bag and take my purse out, took out the 10 dollars and was about to land the money to him. Then something shocking happens.

"Rina, don't give him your money. He don't deserve it after all,". I look to see Rebecca and her two friends.

"Huh? What are they doing here, aren't she and Johnathan together? Won't she pick up for him?", I question myself. "What do you mean Rebecca?", I ask in confusion.

"Oh my dear, Johnathan is an evil bastard and I think you should already know that, right Johnathan?", she said.

I look at Johnathan, and he was silent with a serious face. "My dear Johnathan, why don't you tell Rina how you started those rumors for me to be really mad at her,". "What now? I never started no rumors!", Johnathan shouts in anger.

"You are a terrible liar, Johnathan!", Rebecca shouts back at him. "Rebecca, where the hell is all of this coming from!" Johnathan shouts again in anger at her.

I turned my attention to Rebecca and ask, "Can you explain better?". "Well sure, since Johnathan won't talk,". "You little bi...!". "Yes, yes Johnathan, please call me it! I dear you to!", Rebecca shouts at Johnathan interrupting him.

"Johnathan, Rina may fear you, but I don't," Rebecca said walking up to Johnathan speaking in his face. Johnathan became silent. It was like Rebecca was the boss of him.

"So back to the little plot my dear boyfriend plotted," she said, like she was broadcasting news report to everyone.

"Yesterday my dear Rina was watching the basketball match that Johnathan was taking part in. Johnathan spotted Rina watching him, so he came up with this creative idea to make her life miserable. My dear Johnathan got a friend to go on the school roof and hide and take a picture of he hugging Rina, to make it look like she liked him. Oh, did I mention Johnathan was off dress?" she said.

"That explains a lot why he took so long to come to where I was," I said to myself.

"Oh, I'm not finished yet. He even went so far to taking pictures of him in front of her, with her leaning on a car to make it looks like he was kissing her. And you know why he did all of this? Because he wanted to me to be jealous. So you know I got jealous and hit Rina twice, and I'm sorry about that Rina. I then found out more about Johnathan that he's with another girl from another school,".

"Wow, this is getting really interesting and making a lot of sense too," I said to myself, enjoying the news.

"And I'm here today for all to hear, including Johnathan, that's it over between us!", she said with her friends snapping their fingers and saying, "It's over boy!".

"I can't believe this madness now! By the way, who is that friend I made take the picture," Johnathan said in anger.

"Johnathan, you are so full of yourself, aren't you? Daniel come here please," Rebecca said. A handsome-looking guy walks up to Rebecca then Rebecca asks, "Johnathan isn't this your friend?".

"Yes he is, but he didn't do nothing plus he like Rina so he wouldn't want me to do that," Johnathan said defending himself.

"Johnathan, don't lie. You know we both did this," Daniel spoke suddenly. "You really doing this too, Daniel?", Johnathan replied angrily.

"Johnathan, I don't want to have nothing to do with you. We are over," Rebecca said then everyone started whispering stuffs then Rebecca and her friends along with Daniel walk away leaving Johnathan and I in silence.