Love hurts sometimes

I look over at Johnathan and his face was was red as anger boil through his body. His hands were both formed in a fist, like he was ready to fight someone.

I slowly put my purse back in my bag, close my bag, and look over at Johnathan once again. His angry eyes spotted my eyes looking at him. He then saunters over to where I was, but then the bell rang and stop him from coming any closer to me.

Ring! Ring!

"Well, that's the bell!", I said quickly, taking up my stuffs. I run away then while running I looked back at him once again and in his eyes were like fire blazing to burn anyone that gets close.

I run straight to my after lunch class where I saw every student was already seated and the teacher teaching.

"Miss Rina, you are one minute late,". "Like seriously! One minute late! I seriously run to this class!", I shout in my mind.

I was about to take my seat when sir said, "Miss Rina, go to the counselor,". "May I ask why?", I replied. "No asking questions,". "I will go to her after class then,". "No, she wants to see you now,". "Okay sir," I said, leaving the class.

I walk to the counselor's office where I found the door lock. I was going to knock, but then I remember what she told me.

I walk around and ask others if they have seen Miss Francis. "Excuse me, madam, have you seen miss Francis?". "Yes my dear, I have seen miss Francis,". "Do you know where last she was?". "Yes, in her office,". "Is she still there?". "She should be,". "Thank you!".

I went back to her office, knock on the door once and receive no answer. I knock twice, then receive an answer. "Come in,".

I open the door, and to my surprise Miss Francis eyes were red and puffy. I close the door and walk closer to her and ask, "Miss Francis? Are you okay?". "Yes, my dear," she replied with a weak smile.

I felt this strange feeling that something is really wrong with Miss Francis. I look at her and scan her from head to toe. "WOW!", I burst out in shock.

"Miss Francis, let me go get a first Aid kit," I said, putting my bag down and running to the door. "No! Don't!". I turn around and look at miss Francis where I saw water flooding her eyes.

I saunter to her and said, "Miss Francis, don't cry, it's just couple bruises. I can clean them up for you,". "Rina, my dear, I didn't want you to see me like this," she spoke with tears coming from her eyes more.

I didn't understand what she meant she's sorry and why is she crying. "Miss Francis, how did you get these bruises?", I ask, worried.

"It''s nothing," she said through her tears. I never believe her at all, but I also never force myself on to her to tell me what's wrong.

"Miss Francis, do you have a first aid kit?", I ask, changing the topic. She nodded her head at me, then point to where I can find it.

I walk to where she pointed, where I saw a picture of her and a man. "Wait, Miss Francis, are you married to my history teacher," I ask in surprise. "Yes, I am," she replied, but not joyfully about it.

I took the first aid kit to her desk and attempt to clean her bruises. After I finished dressing her bruises, I ask, "You wanted to see me right?". "Yes, I did," she replied. "But, I'm starting to not want to discuss today,".

"There is something definitely wrong with Miss Francis! But she won't tell me and I don't want to ask!", I scream at myself confused about the situation.

"Rina? Do you love or ever love someone before?", she suddenly asks. "Actually no, Miss Francis. I never really been in love or really know what love feels like. Other than the books I read,". "I understand, and Rina, you don't got to call me miss...", she said.

"Yes, you are right! Plus, now I know you are married, I should address you properly," I replied. "Haha! No, Rina. I meant you don't have to call me miss. I'm not that old," she teases.

"So what should I call you?", I ask, a little confused. "Call me Juliet," she said, smiling cutely. "You mean like Juliet in the romance novel?", I tease her. "HAHA! Yes!", she laughs so happily.

To see her not crying anymore warm my heart. "So Juliet, why were you crying?", I ask.

The laugh on her face slowly faded. "Why did I ask her that!", I curse my myself. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ask,". I replied, trying to fix my mess. "It's okay Rina, I will answer you," she said with a sad voice.

"Today my husband, your history teacher, we had a disagreement and then fought,". "But don't you both love each other?", I ask. "Yes we do, I hope...", she said in a low voice.

"But why fight after a disagreement?", I ask. "BECAUSE LOVE HURT SOMETIMES," she said with a weak smile.

She then look at her watch and said, "School is to be over now,". "Okay, I will get going then," I said, getting my stuffs ready.

"If you don't mind Rina, I could drop you home," she offers. "But don't you leave with your husband," I ask. "No. We drive separately," she replied. "Sure, you can drop me home then," I smile to her.

We both pack up our stuffs, walk out the office and close the door with the key behind us. We walk together to her car, which was a gorgeous Tesla.

Somehow I still felt like Juliet was hiding something, but not knowing too much about how love works, I never wanted to question her anymore.

We both got in the car at the same time. She then started the car and drove off.