The gift

After the situation that went down close by Starbucks, I had to send Juliet home and told her we'll get ice cream together another time.

She was already scared, and I didn't want to scare her anymore, plus her husband must be worried about her.

I know it's weird that my history teacher is my counselor husband and my counselor acts more like a teenager when around me, but at work she acts mature like an adult that has been through life and understands it.

Anyway, after she drop me home, I ate dinner with my parents and told them about what happened on the road today, but never mentioned that I knew the guy that was being fired at.

Their expression was like, "What! Rina, are you okay, my dear?". "I bet it scared you really bad!" with their sad eyes.

Honestly, I was scared yes, but to experience and see for myself that my own best friend getting hit by a car causing her to die was much more hurting and scary.

After dinner with my parents, I went up to my room and read a book until I had fallen asleep.


After Max had left the warehouse where Liam was, he headed straight to the warehouse by the beach.

Instead of parking at the front of the warehouse, he went around the building and parked at the back where others have parked their ride, van and car.

"Boss Bryan!" all the men that were at the back waiting for Max to arrive greeted Max.

"Have they arrived yet?" Max asks in a serious tone. "Yes! They are tied up in the warehouse now!" one person out of all the enforcements answered. "Okay, we are going in!" Max command has he took off the mask that he was still wearing.

Two males open the gate for Max and allowed him to enter first, then everyone else enters after him.

"Well, well, well!", Max clapped as he greeted the two males that were in the Jeep, shooting after him all tied up.

"If it isn't the one and all... Max Bryan!" the man who was driving answered annoyingly.

Smack! The sound made as Max hit the man that just speaks in the face.

"Who gave you permission to call out my full name with your filthy mouth!" Max aggressively asks.

"You know what don't answer that. I got a little punishment for you!", Max said in a deep tone as he walks up to one of his enforcements and took a baseball iron custom made bat and walk over to another enforcement that had a custom made knife in his hands and took it.

"Which do you prefer I should use?". "My super sharp knife to cut through your evil heart or my custom made bat that will let all the evil intentions you have against women knock out?" Max asks as he walks closer to the two men that are tied up.

"Make your decision quick please, if not, I will just use both..." Max was saying, but then got interrupted by a sound came from his earpiece.


"Max pick up!"

"I'm hearing you Liam," Max said in a soft voice, walking away from the two tied up men.

"Guys, deal with them!" Max commands his enforcements.

"What's up, Liam?" Max asks as he covers one of his ear.

"The cops are coming!", Liam shouts.

"You and the enforcements need to get out now!" Liam shouts.

"Are you sure they coming here?" Max asks calmly.

"I'm not sure, but according to my information, someone had reported what happened today on the road, and then the police must have trailed the jeep like I did, which is leading them here right now," Liam spoke.

"Alright don't worry, I will get the enforcements and myself out of here safely!" Max calmly said to Liam to calm him down.

"Make sure!" Liam said as he cut off the call.

*Sign* "Guys, knock them out and get me a paper! Ensure you are wearing gloves to handle them and the paper you bringing to me." Max commands his enforcements.

His enforcements did as what he command them to do.

Max put on a pair of black gloves, took the paper from one of his enforcements and writes childishly on the paper saying, "Hey cops! Here's a little gift, two kidnappers! Enjoy your gift!".

He then put the paper on the two males that were knocked out.

"Guys! We moving out, let's go!" Max commands his enforcements and they all follow his command.

Everyone headed back to their car, van, and ride.

"Someone, wipe off the gate, leave no evidence!" Max command.

"Max!" Liam shouts through the earpiece.

"Yes?" Max answered.

"Are you all out now?" Liam asks.

"Yes!" Max replied, putting up his left hand in the air, commanding his enforcements to wait.

"Okay! Don't drive the way you came from to reach here! Drive the other way going to the beach!" Liam command.

"Why? Are they coming from the way we travel?" Max questioned.

"Yes! Now go!", Liam shouts.

"Alright guys, we going to take a different route!" Max shouts to his enforcements.

He got on his bike, starts it and ride off. Before Max's enforcements had followed Max they drive around the building making it hard to tell how many vehicles and what type of vehicles were there.

After five minutes they all were behind Max and in front of him, making him be in the middle so no harm can come towards him.

Max was the type that prefer to be in normal clothes while all his men would be in a suit and while his men would be in a car, he prefer to be on his bike without no shelter or protection.

As they drive pass the beach, ladies were screaming at all the men that were on their bikes, especially Max, that was getting the most attention.

"This is why I never wanted to drive past the beach!" Max said, annoyingly, not looking at the girls.