Looking for evidence

After Max and his enforcements had left, five minutes after police cars had arrived on the scene.

"Is anyone in there?" a detective asks over a microphone.

"Detective, no one is in there!" a police officer shout to the detective.

"Look around!" the detective shout doing a hand signal.

Everyone went around the warehouse and search.

"Detective P! I found something!" someone that was in the warehouse shouts.

Detective P pulled out his gun and point it to wherever his eyes were looking as he entered the warehouse.

"Detective P. here!" the police officer who called detective P shout.

"Holy mother of heaven!", detective P. shout out.

"Someone was definitely here, yes!", detective P. partner said.

"You are right Brown!", detective P. responds to what Brown had said.

"Detective, there was also a note with writing looking like a child wrote it," the police officer gave detective P. the note Max had left wearing a glove to not tamper with the evidence.

"Thanks," detective P. respond as he allowed the officer to put the note in a clear plastic bag.

"Hey cops! Here's a little gift, two kidnappers! Enjoy your gift!" the detective read aloud.

"Bring these boys down by the station I need to check something out!". "Continue searching for evidence!" detective P. command.

Detective P. walks out the warehouse, leaving his partner and the police officers to collect and search for evidence while he went to the station to get a scan of the note Max left to tell who wrote it.

As detective P. shows up at the station someone that was around a computer with a telephone at his ear, resting on his shoulder shouts, "Detective P, how's the mission going?".

"Focus on your own work, Q!" Detective P. replied, not looking at Q.

He walks to the back of the building where different type of rooms were there, like storage room for file and documents, weapon room, cafeteria and labs.

At this station, they only have five prison cells. This is because when someone committed a crime they interrogate the person here, if they don't get enough information to say that yes that person is guilty they allow the person to stay in a prison cell until they find enough information. After they find enough information and if the person is guilty, they are transferred to a department where there are only prisoners, guards, a cafeteria and prison cells.

Detective P. halt before a lab that had an iron door and very thick walls. "Demar?". "Are you into?" Detective P. used the iron melt on the door knock and ask.

Click. The door was open. Detective P. entered a room where there were computers, gadgets, lab tools and equipments and chemicals.

"Good day, Detective P. How can I help you today?" a young man asking fixing a smart phone. "Demar, can you look into this for me, please?" Detective P. ask putting down the note Max written on in a clear plastic bag on the table.

"Oh, very thoughtful of you to give me work," Demar replied as he glance over at the item Detective P. put on the table. "What do you mean, Demar?" Detective P. asks in a serious tone.

"Brother, I told you already, I want to be an inventor! Please stop giving me these little toys to play with!" Demar replied to Detective P, but this time stop what he's doing to look at him.

*Sigh* "I don't want my little brother doing that," Detective P. replied, turning on his heel to take his leave.

"What exactly you want me to be doing with the paper?". "Am I to write a love letter?" Demar ask picking up the note on the table. "You can go ahead and write a love letter later, but this is a proper task!" Detective P. replied to his brother in a serious tone as he walks closer to him.

"So you want me to scan it?" Demar asks shaking the note and not looking at his older brother that stands before him.

"Scan it to find finger print and if you could can you please trace who wrote it?", Detective P. asks. "Yes, sure! Cause I am so kind," Demar said in a sarcasm tone, annoyingly taking the note out the bag.

"Hey cops! Here's a little gift, two kidnappers! Enjoy your gift!" Demar read aloud what's on the paper. "Haha, this person ain't no fool! They ensure that the writing is horrible! This person way ahead of you, detective!" Demar laugh at his brother as he begins to scan the note.

"These are reasons I don't want my brother to be no inventor! He thinks too much like a smart criminal! What if he invents some new gadgets that are super dangerous!" Detective P. spoke to himself in a soft voice.

Detective P. little brother is a genius. All he wants to do is to make gadgets. He's little brother is similar alike to Liam, but Liam hacks only and is rich while Demar makes gadgets and can hack, but because of his older brother being a detective, his brother watch over him to see if he hacking anything.

Detective P. fears that if he allows Demar to be an inventor, he will become a top criminal and he wouldn't want to be the one to put him behind bars so he gave him a job at the station to keep an eye on him.

"The scanning is complete!", Demar shouts happily. "Why are you so happy?" Detective P. asks. "Because I have a good feeling the person who wrote this is super smart, and you won't find anything!" Demar replied, smiling cutely.

"Can you just tell me what you found?" Detective P. asks, annoyingly. "HAHA! I told you! The information says no fingerprint is detected!", Demar said, laughing crazily at his brother.

"Nothing at all?", Detective P. asks with a disappointed face. "Haha! Cheer up brother!", Demar tease. "What about the writing?", Detective P. asks.

"I won't find anything! Because it's likely that the person writes this horrible for you not to trace the writing to the owner. Means that the person must have a different way they actually write! And if the person is that smart, they could have multiple different type of writing," Demar said seriously as he took a seat and explain to his brother.