The new bad boy in school

"So that means I'm back to square one?" Detective P. ask hissing his teeth. "Yes, square one, brother!" Demar smiles cutely.

"Just finished your tasks, goddammit!", Detective P. curses his brother as he walks out the room with anger and slams the door shut behind him.

"Haha, he's pissed!" Demar laugh to himself.


"Max?" Liam called over the earpiece.

"Yes?" Max taps his earpiece while uses his right arm to control the bike.

"Are you coming to my place with the enforcements?" Liam asks.

"No. I'm going home. My mother must be worried about me.", Max replied.

"Alright I will see you Tuesday!" Liam said.

"Yeah." Max replied as they both end the call.

Max and his enforcements come to a road that turns up and also down.

"Boys! This is where we separated. Go to Liam's place safely and let him give you the next order to where to go! Bye now!" Max commands his enforcements, then turns down the street on his bike.

Soon to reach home he remembers Rina. "Oh yes, beauty! I want to see her again! I should have asked for her number!" Max spoke happily to himself.

"Not to worry, I will see her very soon again!" Max smiles as he said these words.

Max entered his home, park his ride and knock on the front door.

"Mom?" Max called out to his mother. "Max, you're home!", he's mother greeted him with a hug as she open the door.

"Don't be so childish now, mom!" Max said as he turn his face away from looking at his mother who's shorter than him and hugging him.

"Did you already cooked mom?" he asks as he entered the house with his mother hugging him.

"Yes!" his mother replied, letting go off of her son.

"Okay, I will go bathe and get changed to come and eat!" Max replied to his mother.

After Max was finished, he had dinner with his mother and stayed home the other day, finishing up some work.


"Finally Monday!", Rina happily said to the mirror as she does her hair.

"Today is school, and for some strange reason, I'm thrilled. I should be nervous knowing that everyone saw me nearly died!" I shout at myself.

"Hopefully no one remembers!" I shout at the mirror with my comb in my hand, pointing at the mirror.

"I'm sorry mirror!", I quickly apologize to my mirror.

It's funny that I am so cheerful by myself, but so quiet and unable to breathe at school. I feel like I'm holding my breath wherever I'm there.

Anyway, I want to see Juliet today. I hope she is okay now. Beep! Beep!

"Well, it's time to go to school now!" I said as I run out to my room.

"Rina, you 're breakfast and lunch money!" my dad shouts, reminding me what I need to have.

"Thank you, dad!" I shout as I grab my stuffs and run out the house.

Soon I was standing before the enormous gate of my school. "They should rename this school as 'Hell, where you find no happiness!", I sigh after saying.

"Here goes nothing!", I said as I enter. I look around at all the other students, but they seem to show me no attention. All the students' attention was focused on something else.

"Good, they not paying any attention to me!" I happily shout to myself and head to the library to read before my first class.

"Did you see the new hot guy in school?" I heard a girl gossiping with another girl across from my table where I was sitting.

Since they were speaking so loud, I decided to listen to what they were gossiping about.

"Yes, I have seen the hot guy!" a girl on the left replied to what the girl on the right had asked.

"Yes girl, I even heard that he's the new bad guy in school!" the girl on the right said happily.

"Who is this guy they speaking of?" I question myself.

"Girl, I heard he's single too!" the girl on the left said happily and hitting her friend.

"Girl, I want to make my move on him!" the girl on the right happily said.

"NO! You won't!" another girl came into the conversation.

I turn around a little and saw that it was Rebecca and the two girls talking were her friends.

"Why won't I?", the girl on the right curse. "Because I have his number and know more information about him more than you!" Rebecca shouts.

"These girls got boy trouble!" I said, as I laughed to myself.

"I even heard that he's in Johnathan gang!" Rebecca happily shouts as she forces herself to sit in the middle.

Hearing that my heart ache, knowing that Johnathan has another member that's going to make my life more miserable.

I didn't want to hear anything more about what they were gossiping about, so I got up and left the library.

As I was heading to my first class before the bell ring, I bumped into someone spilling all their coffee over their uniform shirt, because I was distracted looking for something in my bag.

I slowly look up at the person I bumped into where I recognize Johnathan's friends were behind the guy I bumped into.

My first action was to pull out my purse and handed over twenty dollars without looking at the person in front me.

I quickly put the twenty dollars in their hand, apologize, and quickly walk away without looking at the person I bumped into.


I was your hanging with some of Johnathan friends, the guy I beat when I came here to register for grade eleven, when I saw her again.

Rina, the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, but she didn't seem to see me then she bumped into me where I was holding a coffee in my hands that ended up spilling all over my shirt.

Before I could apologize to her and check if she got burn she pulled out her purse and give me twenty dollars and apologize without even looking up at me then rush off.

"I don't want your money!" I shout, but she had already vanished from sight.

"Is she avoiding me? Why did she give me twenty dollars and apologize? Did I scare her?", I question myself, looking at the twenty dollars in my hands.