I will protect you!

After Max let me pass, I felt this sudden ache in my heart as water started to form in my eyes. I rush to the roof of our school, since it was lunchtime, and let out all that I was feeling.

"Why am I crying?", I crouch down on the floor and slowly wipe my teary eyes. "Why do I feel this sadness in my heart?". "Why does it ache so much?" I question myself as my tears just kept pouring out.

I didn't understand why I was crying, feeling this ache in my chest or this sadness I was feeling, but I was experiencing and going through all of it. "I don't like this feeling!" I scream to myself.

"Max is so charming and caring. How, how did he become that person? No, why does he have to be like the person I fear the most at this school! Why couldn't he be a natural guy that has tattoos? Why does he have to remind me of the person, I fear the most!" I continue to cry my eyes out and let out all this pain I was feeling.

"I wish Abby was still here!". "If she was still here, she would have beat Johnathan and threaten him to break every broke in his body if he dare to bother or do any harm to me!". "She was always so brave!", I scream out with teary eyes.

"I wish I was like her. Just a bit something like!", I last said, then curl myself in a position where I could lay my head on my knees and close my eyes as I cry quietly.

Soon I was fast asleep on the roof of my school.


After I let Rina pass me, I never saw her around school again. I wanted to skip class and search for her, but this is my first day at school. I couldn't skip classes on the first day of school, but I really wanted to see her.

To atleast apologize to her for the way I react to her avoiding me. I want to atleast tell her sorry, give her back her money and if it makes her feel any happier, I won't approach her or try to speak to her.

Apologizing to her for the way I react is enough for me. Her happiness is what matters more to me. Even though I'm just meeting her, Thursday when she faint and I had to rush her to the hospital with her on my back, because the ambulance wouldn't have been there in time to assist her and the teachers had to get back to work and deal with Johnathan, they made me carry her since I wasn't apart of the school at that time.

I had my bike with me, but I thought it wasn't safe to carry her on the bike since she had faint, but seeing her like that it felt like I had started to build a connection with her, understanding her and want to be around her to protect her from any harm.

When I reach the hospital and this female doctor took her from me, I got scared to stay there and wait for her to wake up, so I left the hospital bought her some flowers and ensure not to leave a note.

I remember the doctor had asked me, "Why am I hiding from her," and I replied and told her that, "I don't think it's time for her to know who I am, but if she's determine to know who save her, she would come searching for me," now I am starting to regret that I didn't stay with her at the hospital.

Maybe she would have wanted to speak to me now and not avoiding me.

Ring, ring, ring! The bell had rung signaling school is over, and I still couldn't find Rina to apologize.

I check the counselor's office since Rina seems close to the counselor, but the counselor wasn't there. My only guess was that Rina had left with her.

Since, I couldn't find Rina, I was going to head home, but then some of Johnathan friends invited me to play basketball with them, but I refuse and decide to only watched while I was on a call with Liam telling him about Rina.


Ring, ring, ring! The sound of the school bell woke me. I look round and realize I was still on the school roof, got up and head down.

When I reach inside, I look around and see no one outside their class so I headed to my class, where I saw was empty.

"Huh? An empty class? Am I late?", I question myself and pulled out my phone to check the time. "Mother of hell!", I scream, looking at my phone. "I missed all my classes!" I cried in disbelieve.

"Shame on you, Rina, for sleeping and missing all your classes!" I mimic what Abby would have said to me if she were here.

"Well, since school is over, I will just head home," I said as I turn around and walk to the exist door for school.

As I was walking home, I realize someone was following me. I walk faster to reach home, before anything bad to happened.

"Hey, cute girl!", a man aggressively pulled my arm and turn me around to face him. "Can... can you let go off of my hand?" I stuttered a bit as I try to get my hand free from his grip.

"Come on now, princess! Stop fighting!" the man spoke again. I got super scared and started to pray for a mercy, when a stone out of no where hit the man on his arm that he was holding my arm with.

As the man felt the pain from the hit on his arm, he release my arm and groan in pain. I took this as my chance to escape and run as fast as I could without looking back.


The basketball match never last long, so I got to leave school and head home. While walking home since I never ride my bike to school, I was on a call with Liam still when I saw Rina heading home and then this guy aggressively pulled her arm and turned her to face him.

She asked him to release her arm, but he refuse which made me angry. I pick up a stone off the ground and then throw it at him, aiming it at his arm that he holds Rina with to help her be free from him.

When he got the hit, Rina run off without looking back and I took that as my chance to punish the man that was holding onto Rina.

I went up to him, pulled him by his shirt, throw him into a wall, hold his throat and just kept punching him.

"Didn't you hear when she asks to let her go!" I shout at him as I continued to punch him.

I punched him one last time in his stomach, that he cough out blood that caused me to stop punching him.

"If you ever dare try to touch, lay or go close to her again, I will find you and break every broke in your body!" I threaten him in a scary tone.

"Yes, yes! Cough! I will not touch her!" he cried out as he continued to cough out blood. Hearing that, I step away from him, hide my bloody hands in my pockets, and continued to walk home.

"Even if Rina, don't want to speak to me, I will always protect her no matter what the situation is!".