Juliet tells her past

"Max?" Liam called his name after hearing everything.

"Yes?" Max answered, trying to hide his anger.

"What was that about just now?" Liam ask as curiosity took over.

*Sigh* "Remember the girl, I was telling you about?" Max asked.


"I just saw her, but then got irritated by a man aggressively holding onto her arm...".

"So I fought him and no, she did not see," Max said in a low voice.


"Max, I understand how you feel, but I just got even worse news."

"What's the news?", Max asks.

"When you get home, get dressed and meet me at our favorite place," Liam said before ending the call with Max.

"Something not right!" Max shouts at himself then walks faster to reach home.


After I had runaway from the man, I had ran straight home to mom and dad.

I was so shaken by the situation that I was struggling to explain myself to mom and dad.

They both were worried, but try to calm me so I will be able to forget about it, but it wasn't so easy.

After I was calm and could be able to think straight, I checked up on Juliet to see if she was doing well.

'Good day Juliet! I'm just checking up on you if you're okay'

'If okay, replied saying doing well'

My messages went through, but I got no response after three hours. I started to get worried, but then remember that yes, she's married so her husband would treat her right.

I then stop worrying, took my shower, and got ready for bed.


Bing! I look over on my phone that suddenly made a noise.

It was Rina. She had texted checking up on me. I wanted to reply, but he was right behind me so I look away from the phone and look at the movie showing on the television.

"Hm", he made a sound then took up my phone.

"You won't be getting this back for the rest of the week," he spoke in a serious tone.

He then came and sit beside me and rest his hand on my shoulder.

I wanted to remove his arm, but I was afraid he would get upset with me, so I just obeyed him and leave his hands there.

If it wasn't for my mother's sake, I wouldn't have married him.

My mother and father have been at each other's throat from when I was five years old.

There was no peace at my home. Then one day I came home from university and found my dad signing a form with a man. I didn't know who the man was while my mother sat in a chair crying.

My dad and mom always fight with words, but my mother never cried about it, so the first person I asked in a serious tone what happened was my dad.

"What did you?". My father looks me up and down and said, "Getting you a husband," then focuses on the form in front of him again.

"Excuse me?", I replied in frustration. My dad usually always annoyed me about when I reach 18 he would get me a husband, but this time his face had no smile.

"You didn't hear what I said?" he asked in a serious tone which startle me.

"I didn't ask about your games. I'm asking about why is mommy crying?" I spoke ensuring that he get what I was saying clearly.

My dad always thought me that when speaking, I should ensure that my voice is being heard and not to be fearful when speaking, so I spoke to him in that tone.

"She is crying, because you going to get married," he sigh after saying such ridiculously words.

"You play too much!", I shout and walk away from him and over to my mother.

"Mom, why are you crying?" I asked her with worried eyes.

She then spoke words I never thought she would have ever spoken of.

"Your dad selling you, to married that man besides him. If you don't marry him, your dad going to take the riches that I'm using to help care for my family and take you away from me,".

My mother doesn't lie, and she has it really hard, because she had to be taking care of her family because they can't afford the money to help themselves, so hearing she says that I believe her.

My anger grows so much that I walk over to my dad and curse at him.

"Why would you do that? You see how bad she struggles to get this money to care for her family! Tell me why you got to be so evil!".

"Juliet! Tone your voice down, sit and get to know your husband.", my dad spoke his ridiculously words. "Tomorrow you will be getting married!".

"You can not and will not refuse, cause I know you would want to help your mother and wouldn't want her family to suffer, right?" he asked with a raise of his eyebrow.

"Yes, you are right," I said in a soft voice, sit beside the Man and glance over to my mother that was still crying.

I just wanted to make her happy. I didn't want her to feel more pain than the pain dad already let her feel.

My mother had a really soft heart, but my dad took an advantage of that and hurt her instead of helping her.

He broke my mother real bad, and it hurts me, that if I had a chance to make him pay, I would have.

"Hello my dear," the man beside me whisper.

I didn't reply to him than smile and turn my face the other way.

I wasn't interested in the man, even if he was clean, smelled wonderful and had a handsome face.

A man that's willing to buy a girl that's just turning 18 to be his wife is no man.

Men that are like that, god has a special place in hell for them.

And men that sell their 18-year-old daughter to marry a complete stranger for money is no father.

"Tomorrow we are getting married!" the man besides me continues to try to speak to me.

"Yay!" I sarcastically said.

"I'm getting married tomorrow, and it's not out of love! What is this I'm living?", I cried to myself.