My Wedding- part 1

After my dad had finished signing the documents for my wedding, he suggested that the stranger besides me should get to know each other.

I refused to, but then my dad threatened me, which put fear in me, causing me to abide.

I sat outside by the poolside and stared into the water to try to free my mind. When the stranger came beside me and said, "My love, what seems to trouble you?".

Hearing those words, I flipped out on him and just started cursing at him. "How dare he call me his love!".

My anger just kept growing and growing. All I wanted to do was to fight. I just didn't know how to channel all those emotions that I was experiencing.

Not knowing how to channel all that I was feeling, I curse the stranger and walk away to my room.

I never left my room until it was the next day, where I will not be a Blake anymore but a Francis.

Bang! Bang! The sounds of dad knocking my door down to open it.

I never wanted to open it, but I guess I had to either way I took it.

As I walk closer to the door, every knock on the door had my heart jump. It's like I could feel the beat of the door in my chest.

As I was facing the door, I turned the knob, but fear rush over my entire body causing me to freeze up in front of my dad.

When the door was open, he stopped knocking, then pulled onto my left arm and pulled me out of the house.

After he pulled me out of the house, he aggressively push me into a car where the stranger was sitting beside me. I never wanted to be close to the man that had no heart and willingly agreed to marry a young lady like me.

Few hours after, we arrived at a church where lots of people were gathered that I didn't know the name of, neither did I ever seen them before.

The stranger held onto my hand and smile at me. He then pulled onto my arm, signalling me to walk with him.

I wanted to refuse so badly, but I couldn't. My father was right behind of us and I thought that if I act out of control here everyone here going to look at me the wrong way, then my dad would be angry at me so, I just fake a smile and walk with the stranger.

We didn't enter the church but walk to the back of the church where the dressing rooms were.

"This room, you will get ready in," the stranger besides me spoke.


I opened the dressing room, where I saw this beautiful well design white dress on a mannequin.

I immediately wanted to try to see how it would look on me, when someone walks in just in time to stop me from touching the dress.

"I'm guessing, I should just returned this dress, right?" the person who came in spoke.

"It's okay!" I replied, moving away from the dress that's on the mannequin.

"Mrs Francis?".

"Yes?" I answered without realizing the name she called me.

"Which dress do you prefer, madam?".

I scan both dresses and wonder which would I like to be in the most.

"Ahh, I will take the one on the mannequin, please?".

"Sure!", she bow to me before walking away to put the other dress in her hand away.

"Why did she bow to me?" I asked myself. Something is up with these people. They acting weird.

Even if I'm getting married, you don't have to treat me like I'm a princess. I'm a normal girl, with an evil dad that's wealthy and a mom that's trying to help her family. All of that is what makes me a normal girl, no princess, just a normal girl.

"Mrs Francis, let's get you ready madam,".

I follow behind the lady, where she lead me to a shower and from the shower there was a makeup room, then another room where they had a variety of different female heels.

"Madam, quickly shower please,".

I nodded and went to shower. After taking my shower, I got dressed then the lady help put on my dress; she did my makeup and also picked out my shoe for me.

After that, she held my hand lightly and lead me to the mirror.

I look in the mirror and it amazed me by how beautiful I looked in the dress. I was speechless at how beautiful I was. Words couldn't express how happy I felt. Slowly all my anger fled that I had for my dad.

While I was there, admiring how beautiful I looked, someone knocked on the door.

"Excuse me madam," she bow again then leave.

"Is she ready now?".


"Okay, I will take it from here!".

Someone came in behind me and spoke, "You see how beautiful you look?".

"Thanks for acknowledging that about me, dad!" I said in a cold voice looking in the mirror at him.

"Juliet, don't be so arrogant!" he shouts. "This man is willing to spend on you, so why is there still a fuss?".

"I don't know, father, maybe it's because my own father is selling me to a complete stranger!" I shout back.

"You should be happy I sell you to someone that's going to care for u!".

"Yes, you are right I should be. Thanks father for showing me that all you care about is money. Thank you!" I shout and walk out the room.

Tears started to form in my eyes. I never imagined that when getting married I would be sold to a complete stranger and my dad would willingly accept it.

I hate the life I'm living. I just wanted to run away but instead of running away, I run straight into the stranger. The stranger that I was trying to runaway from. This strange lust that I was running away from I run straight into.

I held my head down to avoid him looking into my eyes.

"Where were you running off to?" the stranger ask but this time his voice was not soft but scary.

"I was going to my mother," I lied, avoiding his eyes.

"Haha! How stupid do you think I am?" he asked in his scary tone.

"Let me tell you something. You aren't running away, not today, not ever!".

"You are my treasure! I payed too much money on you for you to runaway from me! I don't like my money to be wasted, so don't waste it!", he warn me as he held my throat to look up at him.

"Let go off of me!" I tried to scream.

"No. Listen carefully, you gonna walk in that church with me and you going to smile happily. Agreed?".


He then released me and walked away from me.

See, this man doesn't love me. He wanted me as his treasure.

This man was only faking to be nice in front of everyone's eyes, but behind everyone's back, he was the devil!