My Wedding- part 2

After the incident, I have even more reason to want to run away, but I just couldn't.

The fear of he will try to go after my family after I run away, then he would find and punish me. Was even worse that it kills me.

I don't want to die just yet, but I also don't want my mother to feel any pain.

I wipe my tears and went by the church door where my dad was standing waiting for me so he could enter.

As I walk up to the man that makes my life a living hell, I uttered to myself, "I will make you pay one day...".

"Shall we?". "Yes, we shall!", I fake a smile and held my father's hand.

As he slowly opens the church doors, the wedding song started to play.

The song by nick cave into my arms started to play, which I found really relaxing to walk up to the man I never loved.

As I got closer to the man I never loved, neither did I know the name of my father release my hand and handed me over to the stranger.

He held my hands as I was going into the position of facing him.

The pastor that stood in the middle before us was there with a relax smile and the persons in the audience were there with a smile present on their faces.

"Everyone looks so happy. Why am I the only one that not happy?" I cried to myself as I scan the church filled with strangers.

"Mom? Please don't cry! I will be fine!" I cried as my eyes lay on my mother's teary eyes.

I know she wasn't happy nor please nor was I, but I did it for her sake.

"Dearly Beloveds and Honored Guests. We are gathered here this day in the sight of God and the company assembled to witness the giving and receiving of the marriage vows. Marriage is an institution ordained of God and is not to be entered into lightly or in jest and only after much consideration.".

"We will exchange vows now,".

"Miss Juliet Blake?" someone called my name which snap me out of my gazing.

"Yes?" I faced the pastor that called my name.

"You should give your vow,".

"O yes..." I faked a smile as I forget that I was actually getting married.

"Ahmm, my vows? What must I say?" I ask myself as I scan the church.


"O, my mistake. Here's her vow to say.", the stranger said as he handed me my vow.

"Thank you!".

"Today is a beautiful and a bless day that we share together on this day June 30, 2018, where we will spiritually, physically and mentally bond with each other for entirely. My love my dearest lover Joseph J. Francis. I'm happy I met you. I'm happy you are a part of my life. The first time I lay eyes up on you, I know you were the one and only one for me. You cared, loved, and treat me with your love. You provide a shelter for me, clothing me, and ensure I had food to eat every day. I thank you for loving me and choosing me to be the one and only one you wish to spend the rest of your life with." I read words aloud, which I never thought I would ever say about a complete stranger.

If I was to say my true words of what I thought of him as it would be, "Thanks for making my life a living hell, thanks for putting this devil in my life!". Those words alone would have explained everything for me.

Loving a complete stranger is not easy. It was never once easy it's hell and always will be hell if that partner doesn't change and stop refusing to be loved.

"Miss Blake, thank you!". "Mr Francis, you may say your vows!".

"With pleasure!".

"Good day everyone. We are gathered here to join miss Blake and myself, Mr Francis. It's a blessing to have her in my life. She changed my entire life a whole lot. Making me into the man I am today, and I thank you for that. Your smile is the most expensive thing in the world that money could never buy. Your love that you have shown and given to me, I appreciate it. Your warm touch is the comfort to my skin. Your kisses are sweet, making your kisses feel magical to me. It cures my sadness and takes all the burdens I have carried from my long journey. I love you, Juliet Blake, and thanks for loving me.", his own words spoke a lot about who I am, but too sad they weren't actually true.

"Now that we have heard miss Blake and Mr Francis vows we may move on to the closing of these two lovers getting to bond with each other,".

"Do you Mr Francis take this woman miss Blake as your lawfully wedding wife to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love, honor and obey, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto her for as long as you both shall live?".

"I do!" he said with a soft smile, but deep down I could tell it was fake.

"And do you Miss Blake take this man Mr Francis as your lawfully wedding husband to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and health, to love, honor and obey, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself solely unto him for as long as you both shall live?".

The pastor asks the question I was hoping not to hear. I wanted to say I do not, but I said... "I do,".

"If there be anyone present who may show just and lawful cause why this couple may not be legally wed, let him speak now or forever hold his peace.", when the pastor spoke those words, I was hoping someone would have rejected this wedding, but no one did.

"We will exchange rings now,".

A little boy around the age of 6 came with two diamond rings with our last names written in them that I was guessing cost around a million dollars each.

He put the ring on my wedding finger and I did the same for him.

"By the authority vested in me by the State of Ontario, I now pronounce you husband and wife and what God has joined together, let no man nor woman put asunder. You may kiss the bride!".

"Hold up what! I never been kissed before, no don't please!" I cried out to myself.

He slowly lean in for a kiss and kisses me softly on my lips.

Surprisingly, his lips were soft and tasted amazing.

He then held onto my hand and lead me out of the church as everyone in the church cheer in happiness.