Meet the Squad

"Max, promise me, you will be okay."

"I... promise, mom," he said as he slowly opened the door.

As he walks out through the front door of his home, with two black gym bags with one in each hand, he stands and waits for his enforcement to come and bring him to the airport.

While he stood and waited for his driver, his phone rang.

He put the bag that was in his left hand in his right hand and used his left hand to reach for his phone and answer it.

"It's Max, speak!".

"Are you close to the airport?" the other person on the call asked.

"I'm just getting my drive," Max replied as his enforcement pulled up to his house in a Mercedes Benz.

"Ready, boss?" his enforcement behind the steering wheel asks.

"Hell yeah!", replied with a joyful smile as his enforcement opened the car door, put his luggages at the back and got back around the steering wheel.

"Tell me when you reach the airport!".

"Sure," he said, and ended the call.


Minutes before Max drives came.

"So what's this mission?" Demar, the detective's brother, asks Gel that was going on the same mission with Max.

"They want my help to stop infiltration from the US,".

"Is that so?" he asks as he leans backwards to the bench and raises a brow at her.

"Yes," she replied, didn't even bothering to look at him but to keep on enjoying her popsicle.

"Gelissa, do you have your gadgets with you?" he asked with a serious tone this time.

"Are you worried, or something?" she asks as she gives off an annoyed expression.

"Of course I'm worried!" he raised his voice at her.

"Well, I don't care..." she replied while rolling her eyes.

Demar and Gelissa are close childhood friends from highschool days. Cursing like this was more like an everyday behavior.

Even though Demar's brother is a detective, he never once spoke about what Gelissa does as a side job.

That was his secret to keep and not his business to tell. That's what friends are for.

Some may try to say they are together, but truly they aren't. They both never had time for love and don't give that much care in the world to love, but their friendship is everlasting.


"What's wrong with you?" she gave him this annoyed look.

"Why would you care?" he asked, while looking away.

"Right, I don't care." a smirk was seen on her lips.

"Just take this and go catch your flight," he annoyingly picked up a black luggage bag and handed it to her.

"There's your drive." he pointed as a black Range Rover pulled up at the bench they were sitting at.

"Aren't you showing your love a little too much?" she turns and raises a brow at him.

"Take it or leave it, I don't care..." he said as he got up and walked away with his hands in his pocket.

She picked up the black bag Demar gave her and opened the passenger back seat side door.

When she got in she said, "It's a fine car..." then they drove off.


To the present

The car Max was in arrived on scene, where they were to be meeting at a private airport.

When he arrived, another vehicle was there.

"Damn, is that a Range Rover?". "Cause that's fire!" he said as he exited the car he was in with his luggage.

"Boss, have fun!" his enforcement joke with him as he was reversing to leave.

"Haha! Will do! Get back safely now!" Max shouted at his enforcement.

"Won't let you down!" his enforcement shouted back, then drove off.

As Max walks up to the jet that was in black and had Dark Society logos on it, someone shouts out,

"Haha, if it isn't the one and only Max the leader of Dark Knight!".

"I'm glad to see that you are still alive, Goldie..." Max said as he was heading into the jet.

"Really, you are?" Alex asked as he was surprised.

"No, not one bit." Max said while patting him on the shoulder.

"Oh, and you can close the door now. Don't need you to die when I'm around you..." he smirks at Alex, then leaves him standing at the door.

Max and Alex have a weird bond with each other. They both once worked on a mission together.

Alex is two years older than Max, which makes Max 18. Alex has been working with Dark Society from a young age, because his father is a top class criminal that's been running from the law since Alex was four years old.

At 10 years of age, the headmaster of Dark Society took him in when he was walking around an area when he saw Alex fighting four older boys that were picking on a girl.

After losing the fight the headmaster walks out of the shadows and asks, "Do you want to protect people from bullies like those boys?". Alex replied, "Yes!" with tears coming from his eyes. "Well, come with me. I will train you to be a stronger fighter...".

The headmaster held out his hand to Alex and from that day he believed he should always try to repay the headmaster.

"Wow, I won't only see your face Alex, are you jealous now?" Max teases as he looks at the three other members in the jet.

"Who's he?" a girl asked who was laying down in a bed with one leg up in the air, leaning on a window and her eyes closed.

"I haven't seen such a bad apple for a very long time now? Give a round check of who you are again?" Max asks as he takes a seat beside the bed she was laying in.

"My name is...". "Angelina, the girl that has no last name, right?" Max asks as he cuts her off.

"I don't like you. You know too much..." she said, sitting up, put on her glasses then move to another seat.

"I'm assuming that you know everyone here?" Gelissa, who was quiet, finally spoke.

"You could say that," Max laughs, scratching behind his head.

"Since you know everyone here already, what can we know about you?" Francisco asks.

"I love your accent," Angelina complimented Francisco.

"I'm a boy, I'm going on a mission with you and I have a last name and a first name." Max smiles cutely after saying that because he knew he can't give out much information to them because traitors could be amongst him.

Until he can fully trust them, like how he trusts Alex, they will never know much about him.

"Wow, it's so nice to know very little about you and very much you know about us...", Gelissa said.

"I know, right!" Max started laughing as well as Alex, because he understood what Max was doing.

"Anyway, we are supposed to land in China in approximately 10 hours. So sit and relax before we need to prepare for our mission,".

"It's good to see Alex getting more mature. When we first met, he wasn't so mature in the business even though he was in it longer before me," Max said to himself as he closed his eyes to take a nap.

Soon the aircraft was quiet and everyone was either sleeping or listening to music quietly.