Forgive me Max

*Ring, ring, ring*

"Okay, students, that's the bell. Head to your next class, now."

"Hey, can you show me where my next class is?" Liam asks Rina, who was packing her bag, to leave.

"No, I will not,".

"I don't understand..."

"Why did you call me your sister?" she angrily asks.

"Dammit! I can't blow my cover!" Liam shouts at himself.

"Can we speak about this somewhere else?" Liam asks as he looks around.

"Follow me..."

Liam and Rina left the class and headed to their school roof, where they will speak privately about the situation.

"Listen Rina, there's something I'm going to tell you, but I don't know if you will believe me,".

"My life is already a hell. I believe everything!".

"Rina, at 16-year-old, I finished college. After finishing school and realizing I have no friends, I asked my family to put me back into highschool to meet friends again."

"So telling a teacher I'm new they are going to search for my file and I never got into the highschool system the legal way."

"So, please keep my secret..."

"Okay, I will! But I can't make it to class with you..."

"Why?" he asked but also was saying to himself, "Yes, she believes my white lie!".

"I need to visit the counselor..."

"Is she really getting bullied?" Liam questions himself in disbelief.

"She's like a friend... head to math class now I will soon be there."


They both ended their conversation and left in separate ways.


"Juliet?" Rina called out as she knocked on Mrs Francis' office door.

"Come in!".

"Juliet, is everything okay? You didn't reply to my message yesterday."

Since Juliet didn't reply to Rina's message, Rina was a bit worried, but also never wanted to be, since she knew Juliet was with her husband.

"I'm sorry, Rina. To make it up to you... how about that ice cream I promise we would have, we have today?".

"Alright it's a deal!".

"Bye Juliet!" Rina said, running off to her math class.

While running, she accidentally bumps into someone she was really hoping not to bump into.

"Hey, Rina."

"Umm..." scared and shaken, she couldn't find words to speak.

"You should say hello too!" Johnathan raises his voice.

"Forgive me... I'm a bit late for class."

"Not my problem. In fact, you got to be punished!".

"Huh, why..." tears slowly formed in her eyes.

"Because of you! I got suspended and kicked off the basketball team!".

"I'm sorry!" she shouts out as she begs for mercy in her eyes.

Knowing Johnathan, he is scary. The fact that he can nearly suffocate someone to the point of killing them means he had no heart and there was no way to keep him from hurting her. It was smart of Max to send Liam to help her, yes.

"Don't worry, I won't punish you just yet, baby..." he said as he moved Rina's long brown hair from her face and rubbed on her cheeks with a smirk on his face.

"Plus, you got no one to save you this time..." he said as he turned his back to walk away and leave her.

"Wait! You know who saved me?" She bravely asked this question.

"Haha, you don't know who saved you? This is hilarious!", he laughed crazily and continued to walk away.

At this point Rina just wanted to cry and couldn't find the strength to head to her math class, so she went to the basketball court where she knew no one would be.

While she sat there for the entire math class, it was lunchtime and things were about to escalate real quick.


While Rina went to Mrs Francis and took longer to come to math class, Liam started to get worried about her.

"How can I find an excuse out of this class!".

"I must try something!".

He got up and asked the teacher to excuse him from the class to use the bathroom but the teacher accused him of trying to skip class and said no and had him solving math equations after and after equations.

Since Liam was a genius doing highschool math questions were no challenge to him, but they not being a challenge to him had the teacher pushing a lot of math questions.

"I'm never getting out of this class, right?" he sighs and just continues the math questions.


As Rina was about to leave the basketball court, all of Johnathan's friends, who made friends with Max, all showed up on the court along with Johnathan.

"O, wow. I must say I'm proud of you for finding the place you took away from me!", he clapped madly as if he had lost his mind.

"Johnathan... I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Rina tried to get away from the situation which she was now facing.

"Save it!".

"Boys, get her!".

Rina dropped everything she had in her hands and on her back on the ground and ran the fastest she could away from Johnathan's friends, but it was no good.

His friends managed to catch her and now there was no escape for her.


"Good, this class is over! Now I need to find Rina!".

"You all hear what's happening at the basketball court?!".

"Yes! Johnathan out there hurting Rina! He said that it's her fault why he got kicked off the basketball team."

"O, no, Rina!" Liam rushed off over to the basketball court as he heard the gossip about what was happening to Rina.

Unfortunately, when he got there Johnathan was just throwing pushes at her while she was coughing out blood with tears running from her eyes.

Liam's blood was boiling, and he was ready to make Johnathan have a taste of his fist, but as he was ready to attack, Johnathan's next punch was stopped by Daniel.

"Daniel, you came at just the right time! Now I can let you pay for what you did!" Johnathan shouted, causing him and Daniel to start fighting.

While everyone was now distracted by Johnathan and Daniel fighting, Liam took this as a chance to get Rina items and to pick her up and carry her to the nurse.

While he was running with her, he ran into Juliet, who told him to bring her into her office, where Juliet began to treat her wounds.

"This is all my fault!" Liam began to curse himself, knowing he wasn't there in time to protect her.

"Hey! Stop it! Don't kill up yourself about this! You were there to pick her up and bring her to safety!" Juliet started to encourage Liam that he didn't do anything wrong. He actually tried to help her, so he shouldn't curse himself for what happened.