Knowing a bit more about her

"But... Look! She's all in pain, because I never reach her in time!"

"You know what, let me go and give him a piece of my fist!" Liam got out of the chair to go and fight Johnathan.

"NO!" Juliet shouts at him, which stops him in the act of leaving.

"Listen to me! You may not have been there in time to stop this from happening, but the main thing is that you were there to pick her up off the floor!"

"You were there just at the right time to help her!"

"Do you understand?".

"Yes...", Liam replied as he clenched his fist in anger.

"Liam, going to fight Johnathan is not worthy. Rina has been fighting him since she started this school and still is. The best you can do is stay with her until she's awake."

"I will deal with Johnathan!"


Juliet may be young, but she knows to handle her job the best. Dealing with situations like this wasn't the first, nor will it be the last. So she had all the right words to say to Liam.

After Juliet left to handle the situation with Johnathan, Liam went and sat beside Rina and spoke to himself softly to not disturb Rina while she slept.

"Max, please forgive me. This is my fault for why she got hurt! I don't know what to do with all this anger boiling up inside me!".

As Liam sat and cursed himself, Rina woke up and started looking around.

"I didn't die?" she asks as she knew Johnathan was the type to kill without feeling pain.

"Rina?" Liam asks as he quickly rushes to face her and hold her hands.

"O, hi Liam, wait, are you the person who saved me last week?" she asks with a cheerful smile.

"Wait, what! o, she is speaking Max, but damn Max don't want her to know...", Liam thought.

"Umm... No I'm not, but I know it's someone better."

"How are you feeling?".

"I feel terrible..."

"I understand. Want water?", Liam kindly offered.

"That would be good, thanks!".

After handing a cup of water to Rina, he wanted to know more about why Johnathan picked on her, but the fear of asking was killing him.

"Umm... Rina?" he asked, playing with his fingers.


"If it's not too much to ask, can I know the reason behind why Johnathan picks on you?" he asked with sad cute eyes.

"Haha, I'm telling you about this because your eyes are cute," she joked around with him, but truly Liam was blessed by an angel with looks.

Liam had black, curly hair with a cute, handsome face. He was above 5 feet, but not higher than 6.5 feet. Surprisingly, his feet weren't the size of a male, but the size of a woman. Max usually teases him and says, "Liam, when you kick go up more to the person or your kick is going to miss the person by a small inch,".

He and Max were always there to tease each other. Either in a life or death situation. That's what always keeps them motivated to get the job done because they need to tease each other.

"Okay, Johnathan started to pick on me when I first started school. I accidentally bumped into him and ruined his shirt and ever since, he's always been picking on me..."

"Can I know what type of conflict normally happens?" Liam asked with a serious tone.

"The first one was, he threw away my reading book. Then he spread rumors about me liking him which turned out to be terrible."

"His girlfriend, well ex's now, Rebecca, she heard about the rumors and hit me twice in the face when I said I don't know what she was speaking about."

"After that, it turns out that he started the rumors to get his girlfriend to hate me. After that..."

"He got upset about getting kicked off the basketball team and he nearly strangled me to death."

"I was scared, yes, but then someone saved me, that I still have no clue who did..."

"That's only been one week, and so much has happened?" Liam said in a sad, soft tone.

"No wonder Max wants to protect her so bad..." Liam said softly to himself.

"Rina, you go get some rest, I will go and find Juliet,".

"Okay," Rina replies as she gets comfy in bed.

Liam stepped out of the room while he went somewhere private to send Max a follow-up message about what's happening here at the school while he's away on his mission.

"Liam?" Liam jumped, nearly making his phone fall from his hands after Juliet came behind him and called his name.


"Is everything okay, Liam?" Juliet asks, as she knew he was still hurting about what happened to Rina.

"Yes... I am,".

"Do you know about Rina's past friend?" Juliet asks cause she felt it was right for him to know because they will be keeping the funeral for her friend this Thursday.

"No, what friend?".

When Juliet heard he didn't know, she sat beside him where she had found him sitting on the stairs.

"When Rina started this school, she had a friend. A friend she didn't see for a long time but finally got to see her again, but then life came in..."

"Huh, what do you mean life came in?" Liam asked in a curious tone.

"Her... a car," Juliet spoke in a soft sad tone.

"What!" Liam was shaken by what Juliet said, that his heart started to ache.

"Yes, and Rina is not fully healed by what happened to her friend, because she was there to see her friend die and she couldn't do anything to help her friend."

"So, I am asking you to be her friend and attend the funeral with her, please."

"She may not open up to you about everything, but be patient with her, okay?".

"Okay, and thanks!" Liam got up off the stairs and shook Juliet's hand.

"No problem," she responded as she released his hand, then walked away to head to her office.