Escaping from hell to glory

"I'm home," Mr Francis, who was just coming home, said as he entered the house.

Juliet, who was sitting on the sofa, said nothing and was about to get up and enter the room but was stopped by her husband's grip.

"Where are you going?" Mr Francis asked in a stern tone, then pulled Juliet into his embrace then wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I don't want to do this tonight!" Juliet shouts as tears slowly form in her eyes.

Ignoring what Juliet said, Mr Francis started to plant small kisses on her neck, then whispered, "I love you, don't you love me too?".

"I... I... I have never loved you! Not once! Not twice! None at all!" Juliet shouts as she manages to release herself from his grip.

After being released from his grip, she turns and faces him and shouts, "Why would I ever love a man that accepts my crazy old man's offer! Anyone who uses their money and wealth to make people unhappy is people that come from the living hell! And you, Mr Francis, are no exception!".

"Don't you mean husband, my lovely wife..." Mr Francis said as he pulled Juliet once again into his embrace.

"You are mine and always will be, so stop complaining and love me already!" Mr Francis said, then planted a kiss on his wife's well shaped pink lips.

'SMACK' Mr Francis received a slap in the face from Juliet as he was kissing her. Juliet kicks him in the balls, runs into the bedroom and locks the door shut.

"That bitch! She has done it now!" Mr Francis cursed under his breath, then ran after Juliet.

'Bang, Bang'

Mr Francis bangs on the room door as he curses for Juliet to open the door.

"Juliet, if you don't open this fucking door!", he curses. "How dare you be so bold enough to hit and run away from me!".

After becoming impatient for Juliet to open the door, he kicked the door open. As he entered, he realized the room was all a mess.

He ran around the room looking for Juliet, but it was no use. He went into the bathroom where he saw the window was open.

"That bitch ran away!" he cursed as he bangs the wall in the bathroom.

He pulled out his phone and called Juliet's number, but then heard her phone ringing in the room. "That bitch won't get far!" he cursed again, then closed the window and cleaned the room up.


After fighting with her husband then running away from home, Juliet came to a stop.

'Knock, knock'

"Mrs Bryan! Mrs Bryan!" Juliet shuts as she knocks on the door of Max's mother's house.

Getting out of bed, Mrs Bryan went and answered the door. "Who is it?" she asked before opening the door.

"It's Juliet," Juliet replied as tears slowly ran down from her eyes.

"It's late, come in my dear..." Mrs Bryan said as she opened the door and let Juliet in.

After letting Juliet sit on the sofa after entering and giving her a comforter to get comfortable, Mrs Bryan asked, "My dear, what happened?".

"I think I anger Mrs Bryan! I'm scared! What must I do!" Juliet shouts as she starts to panic while crying.

Mrs Bryan held onto her hands softly then said, "My dear, don't need to panic. You're safe now. Just breathe and slowly explain what happened,".

Mrs Bryan, being gentle and caring towards Juliet, helped her to calm down and be able to speak properly.

After calming down, Juliet explains everything about what happened to her, to Mrs Bryan and why she's here.

"You did the right thing, my child. So no need to cry, that germ had it coming so no need to worry," Mrs Bryan calmly said to Juliet, then hugged her and allowed Juliet to cry on her shoulder.

Since Mrs Bryan had experienced and went through what Juliet was going through, she could understand how scared, worried and nervous she would be.

"Juliet, my dear, it's going to be alright and you can stay here as long as you want to stay dear. Trust me..." Mrs Bryan said again as she lightly patted Juliet on the back.


"Mr Dark, I wonder why you call your cold evil self Mr Dark. Even dark can't be used to describe you. At the end of darkness there is alway light, hope and joy but you have none of that at the end of your darkness than cold heart hatred...", Liam said to himself as he was researching his father, Mr Dark.

"This man is just filthy! Filthy I say! Filthy!" Liam cursed again as he saw all the evil works his father had done on the darknet.

'Ring, ring'

Liam looks away from the computer at the base and answers his phone.

He picked up the phone and then answered, "Yes, mom?".

"Are you coming home tonight?" his mother asked.

"Maybe, maybe not. Is everything okay over there?" Liam asked.

"Everything is fine, dear," his mommy replied with a cheerful voice.

"Oh mom, do you know of dad having a daughter?" Liam asked to see if his mother had known about his sister and didn't tell him.

"No, why asked?", his mom replied.

"Because, I have a sister and dad ruined her life too," Liam replied.

"Now, I just can't take my mind off the fact my old man hurts her. I would be much okay if he had only hurt me, but that man, that man, is just filled with pure evil!" Liam angrily shouts over the phone.

"It will be alright soon son...", his mother said with a calming voice.

"Yes, it will be because I'm going to ensure I fix it and do it well. Old man, you have it coming for you!" Liam then told his mother goodnight, then hung the phone up.

Hearing Liam speak like that tells his mother that her son is slowly being pulled into the darkness by the hatred he has for his father.