The press conference/Choose your leader

Dressing in a full black suit, getting all his weapons ready, he looks in the mirror and says, "Looking good... Let's go and get this mission done!".

Walk out of the room and into the hall where his squad was supposed to be.

He stands by the table in the hall and sits there while he waits for his squad to show, even though he knows they are not coming.

30 minutes before...

"We will not be going to the meeting with Max. He can't be trusted..." Angelina spoke, dressed in a full dark blue suit, with her hair caught in a ponytail.

"Well, do you have a plan?" Alex asked as he was upset at Max for not opening up to him, but still wanted to trust him.

"I have a plan but I'm not sure if you want to hear it...", Angelina replied.

"I still believe and have faith in Max, but if it's a case where he can't be trusted anymore, I will be looking for a new leader to follow..."

"I see... Well, my plan is for us to focus on what we all are good at. I'm good with technology so I will be your eyes and ears. Gel, you are good with fighting, you stick to that. Goldie, you can assist Gel with the fights and France, you can teleport the bad guys,".

"You do know this doesn't sound like a plan?" Gelissa spoke as she played with her knife.

"Well, you got a better idea?" Angelina asked in a stern tone.

"Haha, let's get this over with...", Gelissa smirks after saying, then everyone splits up and heads to their post.

To the present...

Max, who was still waiting on his squad, looked at his watch and said, "It's getting late, I need to go...".

He left the hall and went to the conference where the Nano lightning blaster was being presented.

He stood in the top right corner and watched everything that was happening below him.

"Good evening Queen of England, U.K agents and my fellow Chinese gentlemen and ladies."

"We all are here to see the latest weapon we have designed called the Nano lightning blaster, which is powered by a high power of light. It is stronger and faster than a lightening."

"Sounds very unrealistic, right? But we are Chinese and we can make it happen..."

"Now please put your hands together as the inventor of the Nano lightning blaster comes onto stage!"

The clapping sounds and the cheer from everyone were loud, which had created a distraction for the enemy.


As the inventor walked onto the stage, a sniper shot him in the head and then the loud bang sound heard was his body falling to the floor.


The cheers and clapping all faded in the blink of an eye as they shot the inventor.

The cheers and clapping were no more but the screams of frightened and scared persons.

"Protect the queen!", all the agents from England who came with the queen form around her and got her out of the building to her car and drove her away from the press conference.

"Shit! They are here! I repeat, they are here!" Angelina shouted over the earpiece, which was connected to Alex, Gelissa and Francisco.

"Everyone watch your ba..." Angelina was cut off as someone came from behind her and injected her with a sleeping liquid.

"Angie?" Alex called out, as he didn't hear Angelina's voice anymore.

"Hahaha, you won't be hearing from her anymore... or from Gel or I mean Gelissa?" a guy came from behind Alex and said with an evil smile on his face.

"How do you know who we are! Was it Max!" Alex shouts as he faces the man that's dressed in full black suit with a man bun.

"Really? You all think Max is the traitor here? What kind of squad don't trust their leader?" the man asked as he walked closer to Alex.

"Yeah, what kind of squad don't trust their leader..." another male voice was heard behind the man that was walking closer to Alex.

The man who was walking closer to Alex turned to face the person who just spoke, but only to have his throat slit as he saw them and mention the person's name.


"My job is finished here..." Max said, then was about to walk away but was stopped by Alex.

"How? How did you know I was here?" Alex questions him.

"I didn't... I just knew that he would be here, so I followed him..." Max replied slowly.

"What do you mean you knew he would be here!" Alex shouts in frustration at Max.

"I don't have time to discuss this with you..."

Max was about to walk away from Alex but then Alex injected him, which caused Max to pass out.

After Max passes out, Alex closes the door and locks him and Max in the room.

He tied Max up strong enough for Max not to be able to release from it.

After 15 minutes, Max slowly opened his eyes, then started to fight as he struggled to be released from being tied up.

"You won't be moving or going anywhere, so stop struggling..." Alex spoke as he was curled up on the floor and it frustrated him about what to do with Max.

Max didn't continue to struggle, but stayed quiet and looked at Alex.

"You are frustrated..." Max muttered.

Alex said nothing to Max, but looked at him.

"You don't normally stress or panic in these situations..." Max spoke again.

"I'm not a traitor...".

Hearing Max said that Alex's face didn't seem like he was still frustrated or flummoxed.

"Then if you aren't the traitor, why allow us to be suspicious of you?" Alex asked.

"Because it's your choice to make if you want to trust me or not... I won't force anyone to trust me."

"You will have to make your own choice...".

Alex remains silent before asking, "What do you and Mr Dark have?".

Max paused and sighs before saying, "It all started when...".