A demon

"Alright, enough chit-chat, let's get down to business," Shota said, calming the crowd. "Since Lilith has all the monster Corpses, I'll take her over to where we can cash them. We'll be staying for the night as per usual, so go find an inn we can stay in, and maybe we can enjoy the hot springs here."

"Ay, let's go! We're not leaving!" Someone shouted again. 

'Hot springs?' Lilith thought to herself. 'They had hot springs here?'

As Lilith strolled along the winding streets of the elven city, she was lost in thought, her senses attuned to the subtle energies that pulsed all around her. Then, suddenly, she felt a sharp impact against the back of her skull, causing her to spin around in alarm, her eyes still shut tight.

"You think you can trick me? I can feel your demonic presence, you demon!" As Lilith whirled around, her eyes still closed, she saw a figure approaching her through the hazy aura of her mana sense. The elf was old, her skin like weathered parchment, and she was brandishing a gnarled wooden staff in one hand as she hurled curses at Lilith. 

"Come to think of it... I do feel a demonic aura coming off of her..." As Lilith stood there, confused and bewildered, the other passersby began to chime in, their voices growing louder and more accusatory by the second. They whispered and muttered to each other, casting disdainful glances toward Lilith as if she were some sort of monster.

"Did the mountain deities bring a demon with them?"

"She makes me sick..."

'Hah...!' Lilith thought as she scoffed.

"Ma'am, she is our companion. I think you are going to fa-" As Shota started to defend Lilith, she swiftly grabbed his shoulder and gently moved him aside, stepping forward to face the elderly elf. Her eyes were still closed, but her other senses seemed to heighten as she felt the prying eyes of the other passersby on her. The sound of their murmurs and whispers was as clear as day, like a swarm of bees buzzing around her. Nonetheless, Lilith marched forward towards the old elf, who was waving her staff around and muttering curses.

"Don't come closer...!"

"What do you think I am?" Lilith crouched down and placed her hands on her knees, her back slightly hunched forward. Her closed eyes seemed to stare at the elderly woman with a penetrating gaze as she asked her question.

"A demon…!"

"And you dare to show me such disrespect?! Do you think I'm a pushover?!" Lilith's shout echoed through the streets, and as she spoke, her eyes shot open, revealing her red demon-like orbs that seemed to glow with a terrifying intensity. It was as if the devil herself had risen from the depths of hell and stood before the elderly elf, ready to bring her down to the fiery underworld.

The elder elf was frozen in terror, caught in the gaze of Lilith's demonic eyes that seemed to stretch out beyond the physical realm. For a moment, the elder found herself trapped in the deathly grasp of the abyss. Blood surrounded her, and as she looked up into the sky, she widened her eyes in shock and fear. All she could see was Lilith's eyes, larger than the universe itself, staring down at her with a ferocity that threatened to consume her. It was as if Lilith's rage was a force of nature, a storm that would never end, and the elder elf was but a tiny boat caught in its path.

"Lilith! Calm down!" Shota came and intervened as the elderly elf fell down backward.

'No, Master, keep going!' Almace spoke up.

'For one time, I agree with her.' Ragnarok added.

'Uh huh..!' Even Harpe agreed.

Suddenly the sound of horse hooves grew louder, Lilith's ears perked up, and she stood up straight. The ground vibrated with the galloping hooves, and she could feel the wind picking up as the riders approached. She turned her head toward the direction of the sound and saw a group of elves on horseback.

"Back away, foul demon!" An elf on horseback galloped forward, his majestic steed's hooves pounding against the ground as he drew his bow back. With an arrow already nocked in his bow, he pointed it directly at Lilith.

As the elf on horseback drew his bowstring back, ready to release an arrow at Lilith, the horse beneath him suddenly came to a jarring halt, causing the elf to be thrown forward and collide with the ground. The horse neighed in protest as the elf scrambled to his feet, his armor clattering as he rose.

"Oh?" Lilith stood there, observing the magnificent horse's every move as it approached her. The horse leaned its head forward and gently nuzzled Lilith's hand as if yearning for her touch. She could feel the softness of its fur against her skin as it rubbed its head on her, seeking affection. In response, Lilith muttered softly, her voice filled with tenderness as she caressed the horse's mane.

"Everyone off of your horses! She's an enchantress!" One of the elves spoke as he jumped down from his horseback, continuing to aim at Lilith. 

"Drop your weapons, as we will confiscate them!"

"Ah, no, can do. You see, I made a promise with my blacksmith." Lilith spoke as she continued to stroke the horse's soft white hair. "If you want my sword, then you're going to have to grab it from my dead body…!"

"Alright, stop!!!!!" Shota suddenly yelled, causing everyone to halt. "Lilith is with us and is not a demon. Disrespecting her is equivalent to disrespecting the mountain deities!" 

Just as Shota's shout echoed through the forest, another shout pierced the air, causing the elven guards and Lilith to startle and turn their gaze upwards. In the distance, perched upon a sturdy branch of a tall tree, stood a striking elven woman with hair as golden as the sun and skin as soft and delicate as a freshly picked peach. Dangling from her long ears were beautiful earrings in the shape of intricate rings, adding to her already enchanting appearance.

"What is going on here?! Why are you attacking the mountain deities?!" The elf yelled as she gracefully jumped down.

"Mistress...!" The elven guards all knelt down to pay respects.

"Who is that?" Lilith leaned in to whisper into Shota's ear.

"Sivel. The younger sister of the queen," Shota answered as he watched the elf scold all the elven guards.

Sivel's eyes drifted away from their surroundings, drawn instead to the enchanting sight of Lilith's crimson eyes like two pools of liquid fire beckoning her gaze. She fixed her gaze upon them, captivated by their intensity and depth.
